Texas Instruments TMS320DM6446 DVEVM v2.0 manual What’s in this Kit?

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What’s in this Kit?

1.2What’s in this Kit?

Your DVEVM kit contains the following hardware items. Section 2.1,

Setting Up the Hardware tells how to connect these components.

EVM Board. This board contains a DaVinci TMS320DM6446 dual- core device with an ARM9 and C64+ DSP for development of applications that use both a general-purpose processor and an accelerated DSP processor.

Hard Disk Drive. The hard drive provided with the EVM is a 2.5" Spinpoint drive with 40 GB of storage. The drive speed in 5400 RPM and it has an 8MB cache. The drive is an Ultra ATA 66/100/133 IDE. Software has been preloaded on this EVM board’s hard disk drive.

CCD Camera. This camera provides NTSC or PAL video imaging for DaVinci applications.

LCD Display. The LCD display provided with the DVEVM kit has a 5.6" screen and 320x240 pixels. Cables and a power supply are provided. The NTSC version has a 110 VAC power supply. The PAL version has a 220 VAC power supply.

PC Desktop Microphone. The microphone provides a way to capture audio for use by DaVinci applications.

IR Remote Control. This universal remote control is included to provide a user interface to the demo applications.

Cables. Cables used to connect the EVM board to peripheral devices and to a host Linux workstation used for development are provided in the kit.

The DVEVM kit also comes with the following software. Information about how to use the software components is provided in Chapter 4.

DaVinci Digital Video Evaluation Kit.

TI DaVinci Demonstration Version of MontaVista Linux Pro v5.0 Target

TI DaVinci Demonstration Version of MontaVista Linux Pro v5.0 Tools

A/V Media Clips

Spectrum Digital EVM Tools

SoC Analyzer

DVEVM Overview


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Contents TMS320DM6446 Dvevm Getting Started Guide Important Notice Evaluation BOARD/KIT Important Notice FCC Warning About This Guide PrefaceNotational Conventions Contents Contents Dvevm Overview Welcome What’s in this Kit? What’s on the Board? EVM Hardware Block DiagramWhat’s Next? Page EVM Hardware Setup Setting Up the Hardware EVM Hardware Setup Setting Up the Hardware Setting Up the Hardware Connecting to a Console Window Running the Demonstration Software Starting the Standalone Demos Default Boot ConfigurationStarting the Standalone Demos Running the Standalone Demos Shutting Down the Demos IR Remote Buttons for Encode + Decode Demo About the Encode + Decode DemoIR Remote Buttons for Encode Demo About the Encode DemoAbout the Decode Demo About the Third Party Menu Running the Demos from the Command LineTarget $ cd /opt/dvsdk/dm6446 Running the Network Demo Page Dvevm Software Setup Software Overview Command Prompts in This Guide Dmai Software ComponentsInstalling the Software Preparing to InstallInstalling the Target Linux Software Installing the Dvsdk Software Installing the A/V Demo Files Exporting a Shared File System for Target Access Installing the SoC AnalyzerVerify that the server firewall is turned off EVM # setenv nfshost ip address of nfs host Testing the Shared File SystemConfiguring the Boot Setup for PAL Video Users Writing a Simple Program and Running it on the EVM Setting Up the Build/Development EnvironmentBuilding a New Linux Kernel Enable Linux Trace Toolkit Support as built-in Rebuilding the Dvevm Software for the Target EVM # setenv serverip tftp server ip address Booting the New Linux KernelUsing the Digital Video Test Bench Dvtb Testing the Build EnvironmentRelease Notes User Guide Running The SoC Analyzer Documentation for Dvsdk Components Documentation for DSP-Side DevelopmentXDAIS-DM Digital Additional Procedures Changing the Video Input/Output Methods Using S-Video InputOUT Using S-Video OutputPr Pb Using Component Video OutputPutting Demo Applications in the Third-Party Menu File filename.tar.gz You should see the following output Setting Up a Tftp ServerBooting from Flash Using the EVM’s Hard Drive File System Alternate Boot MethodsBooting via Tftp Using the EVM’s Hard Drive File System Booting via Tftp Using NFS File System Booting from Flash Using NFS File SystemRebuilding DSP/BIOS Link Restoring and Updating the EVM Hard Disk Drive System SetupConfigure EVM for NFS Root Mount Restoring From Target EVM HDD Partition Restore the EVM Hard Disk DriveRestoring From Host Linux Workstation File System Go to the /restore directory Index Index--2 Index--3 Index--4 Page Spectrum Digital, Inc 508168-0001C