Errors and Calculation Ranges
An error will occur if an operation exceeds the calculation rang- es, or if a mathematically illegal operation is attempted. When an error occurs, pressing gor yautomatically moves the cursor back to the place in the equation where the error oc- curred. Edit the equation or press sto clear the equation.
Note: If an error occurs during the automatic calculation of a listed financial variable, pressing s, g, or y displays the first variable in the function.
Error codes and error types
Syntax error (Error 1):
•An attempt was made to perform an invalid operation. Ex. 2
•During the editing or insertion of cash flow or statistical data, a value was entered but .?was pressed before J.
Calculation error (Error 2):
•The absolute value of an intermediate or final calculation result equals or exceeds 10100.
•An attempt was made to divide by zero.
•The calculation ranges were exceeded while performing cal- culations.
•There was a financial calculation error, such as:
•an error listed in “Financial Calculation Formulas” (see pages 72 – 75) occurred
•an attempt was made to find I/Y when PV, PMT ⋅ N, and FV contain all negative or all positive values
•an attempt was made to find IRR when the cash flow data contains all negative or all positive values
•an attempt was made to find YIELD in a bond calculation when any of COUPON, REDEMPT, or PRICE contain negative values
Depth error (Error 3):
•The available number of buffers was exceeded. (There are 10 buffers for numeric values and 24 buffers for calculation instructions).
•The number of entered cash flow and statistics data items combined exceeded 100.