Reading Books
Auto Flip
You can set AEBK07FS to [Auto Flip] mode in intervals of 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 1 min.
Book Information
You can check the information of the current book from the [Book Information] option. This will show:
Title, Author, Publisher, File Type, Date added, File size, Publisher and Expiration.
Depends on the source of ebook that you download/purchase, some of the information may not be available.
[Rotate] option allows you to rotate the display orientation 90o in clock wise direction to landscape orientation.
∙To return to original orientation, press <Menu> and enter <Rotate> once again.
∙Or simply rotate AEBK07FS in clock wise direction to rotate viewing orientation.
In landscape view, the button layout is as below: