Psiber Data Systems RF3D manual All other lines in the file must remain unchanged

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The next array, with the attribute id=”ref-9”, contains gain values in dBi for the values of theta listed above, representing 72 data points at 2.4 GHz.

<SOAP-ENC:Array id=“ref-9“ SOAP-ENC:arrayType=“xsd:float[72]“> <item>-16.683</item>

<item>-12.24</item> <item>-7.157</item>




<item>-5.032</item> <item>-7.721</item> <item>-12.307</item> </SOAP-ENC:Array>

The next array, with the attribute id=”ref-10”, contains a phi value (angle measure in degrees) for one data point at 5 GHz. This array is rudimentary, since the antenna is not used for the 5 GHz band.

<SOAP-ENC:Array id=“ref-10“ SOAP-ENC:arrayType=“xsd:float[1]“>



The next array, with the attribute id=”ref-11”, contains a theta value (angle measure in degrees) for one data point at 5 GHz.

<SOAP-ENC:Array id=“ref-11“ SOAP-ENC:arrayType=“xsd:float[1]“>



The next array, with the attribute id=”ref-12”, contains a gain value in dBi for the value of phi listed above, representing one data point at 5 GHz.

<SOAP-ENC:Array id=“ref-12“ SOAP-ENC:arrayType=“xsd:float[1]“>



The next array, with the attribute id=”ref-13”, contains a gain value in dBi for the value of theta listed above, representing one data point at 5 GHz.

<SOAP-ENC:Array id=“ref-13“ SOAP-ENC:arrayType=“xsd:float[1]“>



All other lines in the file must remain unchanged.


Image 27
Contents Manual Contents Introduction PC 1.1PC Hardware Requirements Installation and ActivationManual Ieee 802.11b Specification Fundamentals of Wireless Network PlanningProduct Updates Standardization in Wireless NetworkingFrequencies and Channels Ieee 802.11g SpecificationIeee 802.11a Specification Ieee 802.11h SpecificationManual Cellular Structure of a Wireless Network Antennas Theoretical Throughput Rates AttenuationRF3D User Interface Redundancy1Importing Building Plans Manual Manual Toolbox Simulation Tab Drawing and Selecting ElementsManual What Application Is Intended? Planning Wireless NetworksAccess Point Tab Advanced SettingsEntering Environmental Factors Positioning Access Points Manual Optimizing Wireless Networks Editing Wall and Floor Libraries Advanced SettingsEditing the Access Point/Antenna Library IsZIsotropic24GHztrue/IsZIsotropic24GHz Manual All other lines in the file must remain unchanged Floors with Openings Options and SettingsSplit-Level Buildings Antenna Library Appendix a The Antenna LibraryManual Horizontal section of a/h Net Vertical section of a/h Net Manual Manual Manual List of wall & floor materials measurement unit feet Appendix B The Wall and Floor LibraryMetallic Drop Ceiling 30/45dB Floor 24,0 36,0 List of wall & floor materials measurement unit meter Color KnownColor Appendix C Table of ColorsManual If YOU do not AGREE, do not USE this Software Anhang D EulaDefinitions END User Rights and USELimitations on END User Rights Commencement & Termination COPYRIGHT, Intellectual Property OwnershipLimitation of Liability No Other ObligationsExport Control Technical SupportApplicable LAW & General Provisions GermanyPsiber USA