Psiber Data Systems RF3D manual Options and Settings, Floors with Openings

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5.3 Options and Settings

To adjust other program settings, select the the menu command Tools/Options. The Country option group allows you to set appropriate parameters for the country where you are located. The Geometry option group lets you specify default values for the height of new access points above the floor, the vertical distance between floors, etc. The options in the Graphics group allow you to set display properties, and the Physics option group allows you to set basic physical parameters for radio signal calcula- tions. Finally, the options in the Printer group allow you to control how your planning diagrams are printed.

To change any setting, click on the existing value. A description of the parameter ap- pears in the box below the options list. After you have changed one or more of these settings, you must exit the program and restart it for your new settings to take effect.To reset all options to their original values, click the “Defaults” button.

5.4 Floors with Openings

Some buildings have open areas in the floors, such as inner courtyards. Such areas must be left open in your plans as well in order for interference to be computed cor- rectly. You can draw floors with open areas as follows: First, draw some of the edges of the floor along the outer walls, but do not complete the polygon. Then draw the edges of the open space in the interior.


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Contents Manual Contents Introduction Installation and Activation PC 1.1PC Hardware RequirementsManual Fundamentals of Wireless Network Planning Product UpdatesStandardization in Wireless Networking Ieee 802.11b SpecificationIeee 802.11g Specification Ieee 802.11a SpecificationIeee 802.11h Specification Frequencies and ChannelsManual Cellular Structure of a Wireless Network Antennas Attenuation Theoretical Throughput RatesRedundancy RF3D User Interface1Importing Building Plans Manual Manual Toolbox Drawing and Selecting Elements Simulation TabManual Planning Wireless Networks Access Point TabAdvanced Settings What Application Is Intended?Entering Environmental Factors Positioning Access Points Manual Optimizing Wireless Networks Advanced Settings Editing Wall and Floor LibrariesEditing the Access Point/Antenna Library IsZIsotropic24GHztrue/IsZIsotropic24GHz Manual All other lines in the file must remain unchanged Options and Settings Floors with OpeningsSplit-Level Buildings Appendix a The Antenna Library Antenna LibraryManual Horizontal section of a/h Net Vertical section of a/h Net Manual Manual Manual Appendix B The Wall and Floor Library List of wall & floor materials measurement unit feetMetallic Drop Ceiling 30/45dB Floor 24,0 36,0 List of wall & floor materials measurement unit meter Appendix C Table of Colors Color KnownColorManual Anhang D Eula If YOU do not AGREE, do not USE this SoftwareEND User Rights and USE DefinitionsLimitations on END User Rights COPYRIGHT, Intellectual Property Ownership Commencement & TerminationNo Other Obligations Limitation of LiabilityTechnical Support Export ControlGermany Applicable LAW & General ProvisionsPsiber USA