| Multi Media |
| Re:source |
| M217 Menu overview |
| Part |
| Network client selection |
| Menu: Now Playing |
+MyMusic selection You can add the radio station currently playing and/or the path to your favourite music tracks to the MyMusic category by pressing the +MyMusic softkey. We recommend however, only adding music storage paths to MyMusic that are always available.
ABC search
Info window
Menu selection
The alphabetically sorted selection allows a specific selection based on names that start with a particular letter. This can be names of folders, titles or radio stations.
The Info softkey shows the status of the currently selected source. In the example shown on the left, the track The Winner Takes It All by ABBA from the album Super Trouper is playing.
The Menu softkey opens the navigation or control page with the selection: Back , ABC..., Home, (Info), MyMusic.
You will find a functional description for these selection options on the next page, chapter General control softkeys.