Safety Information and Technical Specifi cations
Chapter 3
Boot Controller and Bootable Array
To section describes the steps required establish a boot controller and a bootable array. If you are creating establishing the boot controller and array on an existing OS, skip to: Installing the Driver on an Existing Operating System.
3-1 Boot Controller Setup
To set the system to book for a disk drive or controller array:
1. Enter system setup and navigate to the drive boot sequence.
2 Using the arrows provided or grab and drop, move boot controller to the fi rst item on the list.
If your systems supports only one boot controller, go to the next section.
For more information, refer to your computer’s documentation.
3-2 Creating an Array
This example uses a RAID 1 array (minimum of three hard drives).
You can establish an array with a different RAID level or change the array level later.
You can create an array using either tool: Array Confi guration Utility with keyboard navigation and menu interface (BIOS) or Adaptec Storage Manager available on bootable RAID installation CD (GUI).
Warning: Do not mix SAS and SATA drives in the same array. The Adaptec Storage Manager generates a warning if you try to create a logical drive using a combination of SAS and SATA disk drives.