Symantec 5.1 manual Security, See NetApp unified storage, See Vail

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CommandCentral Glossary 49


when the SAN runs an unsupported HBA card or driver version, there is no


managed host attached to the HBA, or the Management Server is not configured


to communicate with the managed host. For storage devices, this can occur when


no LUNs are visible to a managed host (usually due to zoning or LUN masking



unified logging

A common logging library used by Symantec products and components to log


information about errors and other events. CommandCentral Storage users can


manage and view these logs using Symantec common log tools: hallog, vxlogmgr,


vxlogview, vxlogcfg, and vxloggen.

unified storage

See NetApp unified storage

unused storage

Storage to which data has not been written. Contrast with used storage

used storage

The portion of storage allocated to a file system or database to which data has


been written, expressed as a quantity (such as 10 GB). Contrast with unused storage

VAIL (Veritas Array

A single, unified means for presenting information about disk storage array

Integration Layer)

subsystems to a variety of storage management software products including the


CommandCentral Storage offering. VAIL has a configuration tool—vaildiag—with


which you can configure VAIL providers to manage disk storage arrays.

VEA (Veritas Enterprise A separate middleware server used by the SAN Access Layer and other processes

Administrator) to provide client-server communication. The VEA infrastructure enables software components to share information about objects, manage those objects, and effect change on those objects.

Veritas Array


Integration Layer


Veritas Cluster Server An open systems clustering solution that minimizes planned and unplanned


downtime, simplifies server consolidation, and allows the effective management


of a wide range of applications in multiplatform environments.

Veritas Cluster Server A cluster consisting of multiple systems connected in various combinations to


shared storage devices. Cluster Server monitors and controls applications running


in the cluster and can restart applications in response to a variety of hardware or


software faults. A cluster is defined as all systems with the same cluster


identification and connected via a set of redundant heartbeat networks. Clusters


can have from one to 32 member systems, or nodes.

Veritas Cluster Server A set of resources working together to provide application services to clients. For

service group

example, a Web application service group might consist of: disk groups on which


the Web pages to be served are stored; a volume built in the disk group; a file


system using the volume; a database whose table spaces are files and whose rows


contain page pointers; the network interface card or cards used to export the Web


service; one or more IP addresses associated with the network card(s); the


application program and associated code libraries. Cluster Server performs

Image 49
Contents Veritas CommandCentral Getting Started Guide Legal Notice CommandCentral Getting Started GuideSymantec Corporation Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, CA Contacting Technical Support Technical SupportLicensing and registration Customer serviceAdditional enterprise services Maintenance agreement resourcesThis document includes the following topics About the CommandCentral familyAbout Veritas CommandCentral Storage Management and discovery What’s new in CommandCentral StorageEnhanced agentless discovery of storage resources Discovery of replication objects for HP EVA storage arrays Improved Data Module file scanningSybase ASE 15 support ReportingAdded in-context performance reports for certain objects Added the Switch Port Usage Trend report InstallationVxVM volumes New sample ad hoc reportsOther enhancements Reduced media and install footprint for the managed hostWindows Server 2008 support Red Hat Linux 5.0 supportHotfix deployment mechanism Ability to set new managed hosts in unmanaged stateManaging the storage network introduction What you can do with CommandCentral StorageStorage network technologies Storage virtualization Storage administrator requirementsVersatile displays of information about storage resources Discovery of storage resourcesPolicies for managing resources Data collectionStorage provisioning About Veritas CommandCentral Storage Change ManagerWhat you can do with CommandCentral Storage Change Manager How CommandCentral Storage Change Manager works About Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise ReporterReport types and scopes Data rollup enhancements Whats new in CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter 5.0 MP1Inclusion of NetApp unified storage device data Inclusion of custom storage object attributesReporting enhancements Storage tier rule builder enhancementsData source preparation enhancements Data rollup view enhancementsDashboard customization with selected reports NetApp VolumesNew package and metrics SSL mode What you can do with CommandCentral Enterprise ReporterReport access enhancements Security enhancementsHow CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter works System requirements for CommandCentral Getting CommandCentral up and runningSupported operating systems for CommandCentral Web browser support for the CommandCentral Console Installation overviewComponent Operating systems supported CommandCentral on the Web Where to find more information about CommandCentralGetting help About CommandCentral Storage documentation About CommandCentral documentationAbout CommandCentral Storage Change Manager documentation Commenting on product documentation About CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter Page See CommandCentral Storage Alarm Service FlexVol volumes. See also volumeSee CommandCentral Storage Alert Manager Database and Veritas NetBackup are examples of applicationsSee Symantec Product Authentication Service To configuration settingsSee Symantec Product Authorization Service See Command Central Configuration UtilityVirtualization servers Service commands and queriesKernel-to-kernel broadcasts Users can monitor, define, and modify policiesSee CommandCentral Storage Console Groups. Contrast with unconfigured storageSee CommandCentral Storage database Data to users through a standard Web browserThat store data. Also storage device Data is stored in the CommandCentral Storage databaseAlso OS handle Extended discoveryAt least one FC switch and may also contain zones Feature. See also discoveryHas occurred for one or more objects on the storage network Information about them. See also discoveryGroup Displays the correct object typeOn specific applications Explorer was known as the Mgex explorerPage See Veritas NetBackup Accessibility from specified SAN-attached hostsAvailable storage Was known as the AgentPage Types for storage, networking, and application services That acts as a virtual subvolume with special attributesExtent pool storage array Component such as an IP address or mounted file systemTo peripheral devices such as disk and media drives Routinely whenever an in-band explorer executesStorage device fixed disk attached to a Scsi bus Several managed hostsSee also hard zoning Language or protocolSee SAN See deviceMark that is recorded between backup images on a tape Symantec Product Authentication ServiceBetween them Console Task Status tabSee NetApp unified storage SecuritySee Vail A wide range of applications in multiplatform environmentsCorresponds to the system’s host name. See also IP address They were fabric capableApplications as if it were a physical computer See virtual fabricSee CommandCentral Storage Web Engine See Veritas Volume ManagerAn extent pool. See also extent pool Aggregate’s disks and RAID groups. See also aggregateCommandCentral Glossary