Symantec 5.1 That store data. Also storage device, Also OS handle, Extended discovery, Array

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CommandCentral Glossary 39


deleted objects, destroyed objects cannot be restored to the CommandCentral


Storage database by a rediscover operation. Contrast with delete.


A collective term for disks, tapes, disk arrays, tape arrays, and any other objects


that store data. Also storage device.

device handle

The name the operating system uses to identify a storage resource (known as an


addressable unit or LUN), and the correct means (driver, system call) to access it.


Also OS handle.


The process of finding objects on the storage network and adding information


about them to a database. In CommandCentral Storage, most discovery is done


by the Hardware Abstraction Layer, which stores information about storage


resources in the CommandCentral Storage database. Discovery of storage arrays


is performed by the Veritas Array Integration Layer (VAIL). See also explorer and


extended discovery.

discovery data store

In CommandCentral Storage version 4.x, the cached database containing the


names and attributes of all objects discovered and maintained by the SAN Access


Layer (SAL). In version 5.x, the discovery data store no longer exists. Discovery


data is stored in the CommandCentral Storage database.

disk array

A collection of disks controlled and managed through firmware. See also storage



disk device

A rewriteable, randomly addressable data storage device.

disk group

A collection of disks that share a common configuration. A disk group


configuration is a set of records containing detailed information on existing Veritas


Volume Manager objects (such as disk and volume attributes) and their


relationships. Each disk group has an administrator-assigned name and an


internally defined unique ID. The root disk group (rootdg) is a special private disk


group that always exists.

File Scanning explorer

Any one of several explorers in CommandCentral Storage that gathers data by


scanning data on in host file systems. See also DM (Data Module) Importer.

DMP (Dynamic

A feature of Veritas Volume Manager that provides greater reliability and better


performance by using path failover and load balancing for multiported disk arrays


connected to host systems through multiple paths. DMP detects the various paths


to a disk using a mechanism that is specific to each supported array type. DMP


can also differentiate between different enclosures of a supported array type that


are connected to the same host system.


In CommandCentral Storage, a method for visually grouping objects in the


Console’s Managing Summary pane or Topology Map. For example, a user might


choose to represent a JBOD visually as an enclosure instead of as one or more


separate disks.

Image 39
Contents Veritas CommandCentral Getting Started Guide Legal Notice CommandCentral Getting Started GuideSymantec Corporation Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino, CA Contacting Technical Support Technical SupportLicensing and registration Customer serviceAdditional enterprise services Maintenance agreement resourcesThis document includes the following topics About the CommandCentral familyAbout Veritas CommandCentral Storage What’s new in CommandCentral Storage Management and discoveryEnhanced agentless discovery of storage resources Discovery of replication objects for HP EVA storage arrays Improved Data Module file scanningReporting Sybase ASE 15 supportAdded in-context performance reports for certain objects New sample ad hoc reports InstallationAdded the Switch Port Usage Trend report VxVM volumesRed Hat Linux 5.0 support Reduced media and install footprint for the managed hostOther enhancements Windows Server 2008 supportHotfix deployment mechanism Ability to set new managed hosts in unmanaged stateWhat you can do with CommandCentral Storage Managing the storage network introductionStorage network technologies Storage virtualization Storage administrator requirementsData collection Discovery of storage resourcesVersatile displays of information about storage resources Policies for managing resourcesStorage provisioning About Veritas CommandCentral Storage Change ManagerWhat you can do with CommandCentral Storage Change Manager How CommandCentral Storage Change Manager works About Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise ReporterReport types and scopes Inclusion of custom storage object attributes Whats new in CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter 5.0 MP1Data rollup enhancements Inclusion of NetApp unified storage device dataData rollup view enhancements Storage tier rule builder enhancementsReporting enhancements Data source preparation enhancementsNetApp Volumes Dashboard customization with selected reportsNew package and metrics Security enhancements What you can do with CommandCentral Enterprise ReporterSSL mode Report access enhancementsHow CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter works Getting CommandCentral up and running System requirements for CommandCentralSupported operating systems for CommandCentral Installation overview Web browser support for the CommandCentral ConsoleComponent Operating systems supported Where to find more information about CommandCentral CommandCentral on the WebGetting help About CommandCentral Storage documentation About CommandCentral documentationAbout CommandCentral Storage Change Manager documentation Commenting on product documentation About CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter Page Database and Veritas NetBackup are examples of applications FlexVol volumes. See also volumeSee CommandCentral Storage Alarm Service See CommandCentral Storage Alert ManagerSee Command Central Configuration Utility To configuration settingsSee Symantec Product Authentication Service See Symantec Product Authorization ServiceUsers can monitor, define, and modify policies Service commands and queriesVirtualization servers Kernel-to-kernel broadcastsData to users through a standard Web browser Groups. Contrast with unconfigured storageSee CommandCentral Storage Console See CommandCentral Storage databaseExtended discovery Data is stored in the CommandCentral Storage databaseThat store data. Also storage device Also OS handleInformation about them. See also discovery Feature. See also discoveryAt least one FC switch and may also contain zones Has occurred for one or more objects on the storage networkExplorer was known as the Mgex explorer Displays the correct object typeGroup On specific applicationsPage Was known as the Agent Accessibility from specified SAN-attached hostsSee Veritas NetBackup Available storagePage Component such as an IP address or mounted file system That acts as a virtual subvolume with special attributesTypes for storage, networking, and application services Extent pool storage arraySeveral managed hosts Routinely whenever an in-band explorer executesTo peripheral devices such as disk and media drives Storage device fixed disk attached to a Scsi busSee device Language or protocolSee also hard zoning See SANConsole Task Status tab Symantec Product Authentication ServiceMark that is recorded between backup images on a tape Between themA wide range of applications in multiplatform environments SecuritySee NetApp unified storage See VailSee virtual fabric They were fabric capableCorresponds to the system’s host name. See also IP address Applications as if it were a physical computerAggregate’s disks and RAID groups. See also aggregate See Veritas Volume ManagerSee CommandCentral Storage Web Engine An extent pool. See also extent poolCommandCentral Glossary