SMC Networks 1232 Series Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify Equipment, Flammability, EMI Caution

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Do Not Substitute Parts or Modify Equipment

Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification of the equipment. Contact Parvus technical staff or your local representative for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.


All Parvus PWBs (printed wiring boards) are manufactured by UL-recognized manufacturers, with a flammability rating of UL-V0.

EMI Caution

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate electromagnetic energy. It may cause or be susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if not installed and used in a cabinet with adequate EMI protection.

CE Notice

This product complies with the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC). Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the following European Norms:

¾EN55022 (CISPR 22) Radio Frequency Interference

¾EN50082-1 (IEC801-2, IEC801-3, IEC801-4) Electromagnetic Immunity

The product also fulfills EN60950 (product safety), which is essentially the requirement for the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC). This product was tested in a representative system to show compliance with the above-mentioned requirements. A proper installation in a CE-marked system will maintain the required EMC/safety performance.

Disclaimer of Warranty

THIS MANUAL IS PROVIDED ’AS IS’ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The laws of some states and countries do not allow the disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. As such, the above warranty disclaimer shall only apply to the extent permitted by law.


While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Parvus assumes no liability resulting from any omissions in this document, or from the use of the information contained therein. It is not warranted that the contents of this publication or any accompanying source code examples, whether individually or as one or more groups, will meet your requirements or that the publication or the accompanying source code examples are error-free. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Parvus reserves the right to revise this document and to change its contents at any time without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.


Image 82
Contents Spacepc 1232 Series About this Manual Table of Contents Options Explanation EMI Caution Product Overview SpacePC 1232 Functional Block Diagram CPU-1232 CPU-1232Product Definition Peripherals VGA interfaceLCD-TFT interface Jumper Layout and Configuration Jumper DescriptionFunction Default PIN# TypeConnectors Description Connectors LayoutIDE/DOM Connector FunctionISA BUS PC/XT VGAJ1 and J2 for the ISA Bus ISA BUSModule Stack J3 for Multifunction & J14 for Mouse J3 Multifunction Connector¾ Multifunction ƒ External Battery Pin Signalƒ System reset PinPin # J14 Mouse Connectorƒ Power button MsclkParvus Multifunction Adapter Multifunction Adapter both sidesKbdat Kbclk GND Battin Respbin10N.C Msclk GND MsdatFloppy Function Signal In/out Pin Pin Signal Function In/out DB25J4 for Parallel or FDD BSY PD6PD7 MSB SlctJ5 and J6 Serial Port Interfaces GND PIN1Function In/out Function DB25RS422 Pin RS485J7 for 2 x USB, J8 for AUDIO-CODEC J7 for 2 x USBJ8 for AC97 Audio port Section Parvus USB/AC97-AudioCODEC Adapter Connector#FunctionSdatain USB1 J9 IDE Connector, JP10 IDE LED ConnectorJ9 IDE Connector USB2JP10 IDE LED Connector Pin SignalFunctionResolution Simultaneous Colors J10 VGA ConnectorPin Signal Function Refresh Rate+12VDC J11 Auxiliary Power Connector12VDC J13 Fan power supply connector ATX Power SupplyJ18 for Ethernet Net drivers J19 LCD-TFT Section 640x480 16bpp 64K colors 800x600 8bpp 256 colors 1024x768 Page Setup Program How to use the Setup program Setup pages General TimeFloppy disks DateExpansion Socket DiskOnChip Map Quick BootKeyboard Dram Memory Speed Boot Try Sequenceƒ USB Eide Port = Default settingFloppy Controller Video MemoryPS/2 Mouse Network AdapterAudio Communications MPU-401Serial Ports 1 Parallel Port Atapi Units LBA Echs Error on Video Error on KeyboardError on Floppy Disks Error on Fixed Disks Error on Real Time ClockPage How to update the BIOS. The SSD For Last Versions Visit SiteHow to update the Bios the Btool Program Please NoteOptions Explanation Integrated Solid State Disk \BTOOL /D a Btool /D BVirtual Peripherals mode Virtual PeripheralsLocal and redirected peripherals Virtual Peripherals connectionPC/104 serial interface Signal Function PIN NrDB25 Signal Parallel PIN Nr Port Host PC serial interfaceNow turn on the SpacePC 1232 module Important note Watchdog Timer Super I/O registers programming Bios INT 52h functions 0Ch, 0Dh, 0EhWatchdog modalities MOVAL, DX OUT DX, ALINC MOV BL, ALWatchdog time-out pin Troubleshooting SpacePC 1232 Module will not boot from DiskOnModule Common Problems and SolutionsSpacePC 1232 Module will not boot SpacePC 1232 Module erratic operationTechnical/Sales Assistance Troubleshooting a PC/104 SystemDate and time not saved when power is off Two hard drives will not work, but one doesReturning For Service Material Authorization RMA numberElectrical Operating Characteristics Electrical and Environmental SpecificationsOperating Characteristics Operating Temperature RangeAbsolute Maximum Ratings Power ConsumptionBattery Backup Characteristics Frequency 64MB 128 MBMechanical Dimensions CPU DimensionsFDD Adapter Dimensions 43,6 12.7 41.5 13.0USB Audio Codec Dimensions FDD Adapter DimensionsEthernet Adapter Dimensions 31.0 49.0 43.4 11.9Multifunction Adapter Dimensions Ethernet Adapter DimensionsSafety Summary Ground the InstrumentFlammability Disclaimer of WarrantyDo Not Substitute Parts or Modify Equipment EMI CautionReliability Life Support PolicyPage Acronyms and Abbreviations Limited Warranty