If you have a sales question, please contact your local Parvus Sales Representative or the Regional Sales Office for your area.
Additional and latest information is available at Parvus website:
Returning For Service
Before returning any of Parvus' products, you must contact Parvus and obtain a Returned
Material Authorization (RMA) number.
Note. You must have the RMA number in order to return any product for any reason!
The following information is needed to expedite the shipment of a replacement to you:
¾Your company name and address for invoice
¾Shipping address and phone number
¾Product I.D. number
¾The name of a technically qualified individual at your company familiar with the mode of failure on the board
¾A detailed description of the problem and of the current configuration including OS and software loaded.
If the unit is out of warranty, service is available at a predesignated service charge. Contact Parvus for pricing and please supply a purchase order number for invoicing the repair. Pack the board in
Warning! Any product returned to Parvus improperly packed will immediately void the warranty for that particular product!