interface timing 14 internal data rate 10 IRAW 38
jumper 9, 39, 41, 42, 68 jumper function description 42 jumper header 41
jumper plug type 39
landing zone 7 LED 74
logical block address 12 logical characteristics 56 logical segments 12
low voltage differential (LVD) drivers and receivers 7 LVD 68
LVD interface receiver circuits 69
mating connector 57, 59, 60 mating flat cable connector 60 maximum current requirements 24 maximum operating current 23 maximum starting current 22, 23 ME jumper 42
mean time between failure (MTBF) 15 media 7, 51
SCSI interface 45 miscellaneous features 55 mode page 01 51
mode page 08h 12 mode parameter 51
mode select command 12, 51 mode sense command 51 mode sense data 51
mode sense value 51 model number table 6 motor start command 12 motor start delay option 68 motor start option 12, 23, 68 mounting configuration 33
mounting configuration dimensions 33, 34 mounting constraints 14, 44
mounting point 44 mounting surface 44 mounting surface distortion 44 mounting surface stiffness 44
MTBF 14, 15 multiconnector
80 conductor 60 multimode drivers and receivers 7
noise 24 audible 3
office environment 32 operating 29, 30, 32 operating option 39 operating parameter 51 option jumper 39 option jumper location 39 option select header 56 option select jumper 39 options 9
orientation 30, 43
package size 30
package test specification 5 packaged 30
parity 42
parity checking 42 parity error 42 PCB 41
PCBA 39, 44, 51, 57, 58, 61 PCBA circuit run 58
PD jumper 42 peak bits/inch 10 peak starting current 23 performance characteristics 10 performance degradation 30 peripheral I/O cable 24 physical characteristics 56 physical damage 32 physical interface 56, 58 power 23, 42
power connector 22, 24 power control switch 12 power dissipation 26 power distribution 3 power sequencing 24
Cheetah 15K.5 SCSI Product Manual, Rev. J | 77 |