Symptom | Cause | Solution |
Link LED is off for a port | There is a problem with this | Make sure the cable is attached |
that has a connection. | connection. | securely at both ends. |
| Make sure the cable is not damaged. |
| Check that the device being connected |
| to is powered on and operating |
| correctly. |
| If the connection is to a workstation, |
| make sure the workstation’s network |
| interface is installed and configured |
| correctly. |
File transfer is slow or | Half- or | Make sure the attached device is set to |
performance degradation | the switch and the connected | auto negotiate. |
is a problem. | device are not the same. |
A segment or device is | One or more devices are not | Verify that the cabling is correct. Be |
not recognized as part | properly connected, or | sure all connectors are securely |
of the network. | cabling does not meet | positioned in the required ports. |
| Ethernet guidelines. | Equipment may have been accidentally |
| disconnected. |
ACT LED is blinking | Collisions are occurring | Some collisions are normal when |
yellow excessively. | on the connected segment. | the connection is operating in |
| |
| Duplex modes are mismatched. | Recheck the settings of the device |
| attached to the |
| sure the attached device is set to |
| auto negotiate. |
ACT LED is flashing | A network loop (redundant path) | Break the loop by ensuring that there |
continuously on all | has been created | is only one path from any networked |
connected ports and the | (see Figures | device to any other networked device. |
network is disabled |