4.Set the port settings to the following values:
∙Bits/second - 115200
∙Data bits - 8
∙Parity - None
∙Stop bits - 1
∙Flow Control - None
5.Click OK. The Hyperterminal appears. See Figure 11.
Figure 11 The Hyperterminal
6.Press Enter. Some device information and a prompt appear.
7.Type config and press Enter. Configuration questions appear. DHCP must be disabled. You can change the IP address, net mask and default gateway. Pressing Enter without entering values keeps the default values. To contact DX User IP from outside the LAN, configure a gateway. To remove an already configured gateway, type
The last question – enable IP access control – concerns switching IP packet filtering on or off. This can
8.Confirm the settings. DX User IP resets the configuration.