Chapter 6 – Flash Upgrade
Chapter 6 – Flash Upgrade
The MultiConnect Adapter contains a 2 MB flash wherein the boot image, the firmware and configuration files are stored in a compressed format.
Serial Flash Upgrade Scenario
Following steps explain the procedure to upgrade a flash using the serial COM port (serial flash upgrade). Connect the MultiConnect Adapter to a PC COM Port.
•Open an application through which we can access the serial device(e.g., Meterm, zoc, hyperterm).
•Reboot the MultiConnect Adapter.
•Wait for the boot message and prompt “press d to download” to appear.
•Press d when prompted.
•Select the XMODEM Protocol from the Terminal application.
•Choose a file
•Perform a file upload.
The MultiConnect Adapter reboots and will be up after a few seconds
The MultiConnect Adapter reboots after it has been successfully upgraded.
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