Selection of a Security Level for Viewer Connection
1.Go to the Security Settings screen on the switch’s Web Management interface and make a viewer connection selection from the “Security Level”
•Level 1: No encryption (no SSL)
•Level 2:
•Level 3:
Security Level 1 offers a
Security Level 2 offers a secured SSL connection that provides encryption for mouse, keyboard and video but uses no PKI authentication.
Security Level 3 offers a secured SSL connection that provides encryption for mouse, keyboard and video, and uses
IMPORTANT: The selection of a security level to be implemented for the switch’s viewer connection is of utmost importance, especially when your remote server connections require a high level of security in order to keep your servers safe from unauthorized entry and/or network sniffers.
2.(Optional) If you choose to implement the PKI authentication feature on the switch’s viewer, you need to select Level 3 security in the Viewer Connection panel on the Security Settings screen of your Web Management interface.
Then enter the password in the “KVM Server Password” field. NOTE: You should enter the password that has encrypted the server private key in the server private key file (serverkey.pem)