Using the
¥System Group allows you to manage the
¥I/F Summary displays statistics for the trafÞc processed by each network interface on the device, including a detailed transmit and receive trafÞc breakdown; see Viewing I/F Summary Information, page
¥ATM Connections lets you conÞgure Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) on the device. The ATM Connections option will only appear if you have an ATM SSIM
¥Exit closes the
The Port Status Menu
The Port Status menu allows you to select the status information that will be shown in the Chassis ViewÕs port status display.
¥Status allows you to select one of two status types: Admin, or Operator.
¥Load displays the portion of network load processed per polling interval by each interface as a percentage of the theoretical maximum load (4 or 16 Mbps).
For this release, the Load port status option will display three dashes and maintain the color code of the most recently selected option for any unlinked ports (i.e. ports for which the Operator status is OFF).
¥Errors displays the number of errors detected per polling interval by each interface as a percentage of the total number of valid packets processed by the interface.
¥I/F Mapping displays the interface value associated with each port on the
¥I/F Speed displays the speed (4 or 16 Mbps) of the network segment attached to each port.
For this release, the I/F Speed port status option will display a zero and maintain the color code of the most recently selected option for any unlinked ports (i.e. ports for which the Operator status is OFF).
¥I/F Type displays the interface type of each port: TR for Token Ring.
Viewing Chassis Information |