6.8Main Menu
The main menu on the left side of the screen (Figure 16) has the following options: Port Settings, VLAN Settings, Trunk Setting, Mirror Setting, Device Status, Statistic, System Settings, Trap Setting, Password Setting, Backup Setting, Reset Setting. Click on the item that you want to configure to open the respective window. The sections below provide details for each option.
Figure 16: Setup menu
6.9Configuring Setup Setting
There are four items in the Setup Menu: Port Settings, VLAN Settings, Trunk Settings, Mirror Settings.
6.9.1 Port Settings
The Port Setting page (Figure 17) displays the status of the ports. Click on a port number to change the settings (Speed, Flow Control, QoS Priority, Link Status) for that port. When you need to refresh the information on the page, press the “Refresh” button.
The Link Status column shows the speed and duplex of the port, or “Down” if the port is disconnected.