Operating System Recovery
Booting into rescue mode
Rescue mode provides the ability to boot a small Red Hat Enterprise Linux environment entirely from a diskette,
During normal operation, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Edition 3.0 system uses files located on the system’s hard drive to do all functions, including run programs and store files. However, if you cannot access files on the system’s hard drive, you can use rescue mode to access the files stored on the system’s hard drive. This is done even if you cannot run Red Hat Enterprise Linux from the hard drive. Use the following procedure to boot into rescue mode:
1.In order to boot into rescue mode, you must be able to use one of the following methods:
●Using an installation boot diskette.
●Using an installation boot
●Using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux
2.Add the keyword rescue as a kernel parameter. For example, for an x86 system, type the following command at the installation boot prompt:
linux rescue
3.Answer the prompts, including which language to use. It also prompts you to select where a valid rescue image is located. Select from Local
If you used a boot
4.If you select a rescue image that does not require a network connect, you are asked whether or not you want to establish a network connection. A network connection is useful if you need to backup files to a different computer or install some RPM packages from a shared network location, for example. You will also see the following message:
The rescue environment will now attempt to find your Red Hat Linux installation and mount it under the directory /mnt/sysimage. You can then make any changes required to your system. If you want to proceed with this step choose 'Continue'. You can also choose to mount your file systems
If for some reason this process fails you can choose 'Skip'
and this step will be skipped and you will go directly to a command shell.
28 Secure Services Gateway (SSG) Maintenance Guide