Chapter 1 Cisco AS5850 Product Overview
Functional Overview
Network Management
The Cisco Universal Gateway Manager (Cisco UGM) configures and manages fault, performance, and security of the Cisco AS5850. Cisco UGM is a UNIX-based solution that can be run from a Cisco Element Management Framework (EMF) server, and also provides the following features:
•Fault—Device and port-specific alarm frequency and severity information. The fault management GUI supports point-and-click alarm acknowledgement and clearing functions, and trap forwarding.
•Configuration—Configuration services for the managed devices and their components. As objects are configured or modified, the Cisco UGM database is automatically updated to reflect the current configuration of the network.
•Performance—Collects performance information from each managed device and its components. This information allows you to monitor the network by viewing and graphing performance data associated with an object.
•Security—Supports role-based access to its management functions. The user administrator defines user groups and assigns users to these groups, and also supports control of administrative state variables for Cisco UGM resources.
Figure 1-5shows the flow of system management information for the Cisco AS5850.
Figure 1-5 System Management Information Flow
Network management software or terminal
Cisco AS5850
universal gateway
trunk card
2400W AC-input power shelf
| Cisco AS5850 Universal Gateway Hardware Installation Guide |
1-8 | 78-10573-06 0A |