Appendix A. AT Commands and
commands may be separated with spaces for readability. The maximum length for a command line is 40 characters. Each command line is executed by the Express XR/XRT upon receipt of a terminating character. The default terminating character is a carriage return (ASCII 013), but it can be changed by writing a different value to register S3. Before the terminating character is transmitted, the command line can be edited by using the backspace character (ASCII 008) to erase errors so the proper commands can be entered.
Using an AT Command
Type AT followed by the letter of the command and numeric value of the setting desired and then press Enter. The following command returns the software version of the unit:
Using S-Registers
The configuration of the Express XR/XRT can be changed or reviewed with
Reading an S-Register
Type ATS followed by the number of the
Reading an S-Register String
The Express XR/XRT uses
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