Sony G90 Musical score, Maybe, succeeded by metallic effects, Tricks in his sorceror’s cabinet

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Shouldn’t the music
speak for itself?

wandering, questing wiggles to a pulsing, stylized sun, all

choreographed to the music, but far more gripping. (Imag-

ine a dance with choreography more interesting than the

musical score.)

The largest, longest work we’re given is a 1996 compo-

sition with the name Watershed IV, and it’s a tour de force

for Schick’s percussion. He stands in the middle of a circle

of percussion gear, some familiar, some not, and at first I

hoped the surround sound would simply let us hear what he

hears, which would have been especially appropriate since

the conversation about the lengthy piece stressed its struc-

tural use of percussion sounds, drum sounds in one place,

maybe, succeeded by metallic effects.

What we get, however, is Peter Otto’s “spatialization,” or

in other words his processing of the sound to shift it around

in space, and sometimes in time as

well, to make the spatial effects

more noticeable. To put it different-

ly, he’s now applying his own kind of

choreography, in this case a useful

metaphor, because he makes the

sounds move around in what might be some faint reminis-

cence of what dancers do. The only problem is that the piece

itself is unremarkable and in fact close to stultifying.

One obvious difficulty is its lack of any real rhythm,

astonishing in a work for percussion alone, and even more

so in a work this long. Why there’s no rhythm is suggested

by an excerpt from Reynolds’ written score, reprinted in the

DVD’s long, detailed (too detailed?) booklet. In what we’re

shown there, the percussionist is asked to play freely with-

in given spans of time, sometimes faster, sometimes slower,

but in rhythms he himself creates. In practice, these, to

judge from what we hear, tend to be remarkably uneventful,

essentially patterns of even notes. That creates a lulling

effect, not conducive to sustained listening. I could also say

that, while Otto is allegedly creating syntax by moving

sound in space, the most elementary kinds of rhythmic syn-

tax are completely missing. Odd. I couldn’t stay with Water -

shed at all. (Those with computer DVD-ROM drives can

check my theory; one added feature of this DVD is that they

can print out large sections of the Watershed score.)

The other items aren’t as striking, and to judge from the

blurbs on the back of the DVD package, which don’t men-

tion them, are essentially there to fill out the disc. First we

get an excerpt from The Red Act Arias, commissioned by

the BBC and premiered in 1997. The piece was originally for

live performers and 8-channel tape; we get just a little of the

tape segment, mixed down to five channels. I liked it,

maybe because it was short enough to be enjoyable just as

sound, without wearing out its welcome or making unjusti-

fied artistic claims.

And then came the best item on the DVD, a surprise not

mentioned on the box, in the booklet, or in the spoken com-

mentary. This is called An Odd Dream, and is a two-minute

excerpt from Watershed, with the visuals slowed down and

the sound processed to sound vague

and distant. The track is set to

repeat infinitely, and creates a uni-

verse of its own. I kept waiting for it

to end; I imagined changes that

weren’t really there, like the sound

getting more and more vague. That’s how the piece played

with my expectations. I myself became a participant, and I

think any listener would. Here, for once, we had something

that lived up to the high artistic claims made for Eclipse and

Watershed, something that really did change my percep-


This, in a word, was art. The rest of the DVD is acade-

mic timidity, though I’ll grant that the spatial journeys of

the sounds were interesting, and that 5.1 surround has

sonic potential that, outside of the obvious movie effects,

has only begun to be tapped. Reynolds, in the end, did me

one favor. He made me want to hear more music that uses

the full 360-degree rotation of real life – as long as we

understand that the spatial placement is just another kind

of color, another kind of narrative effect, similar to orches-

tration (playing music first on a violin, then on a clarinet),

or to the imaginative stereo mixes we already get on some

pop recordings. It’s not a new development in musical lan-


I have transcribed this; it will give you a better idea of the

experience of listening to this piece. Both poems exist inde-

pendently, but taken together they convey a third.

Of course, the performance you experience will be defined

by which sounds you choose to listen to, and of course your

choice can vary from moment to moment, implying that you

subjectively can never experience the same performance twice

a point that Roger Reynolds later pursues more blatantly in

“An Odd Dream,” which by repeating the same two-minute per-

formance creates a mantra that becomes a meditation and then

the ever-changing concentric reflections within a mandala.

Mr. Reynolds is playing games, as he tells us in the accom-

panying interviews, and these are games played with our per-

ceptions of reality as distorted by time and space and the other

tricks in his sorceror’s cabinet.

As his percussionist Steven Schick tells us, at some point,

this stops being music and becomes ritual.

But we know the effect of endless repetition from cen-

turies of experience of ritual, so while the point is valid and

proven by this hidden bonus track, it is hardly novel. What is

novel is the use of new technology to “spatialize” the image,

and here Reynolds is in danger of becoming intoxicated by the


I think the composer has realized that one of the principal

advantages of this format lies in the improved control of the

room acoustic and he has used this to create a compellingly

robust sonic hologram.

This gives rise to a heightened realism that can be both

graphic and unnatural, and is carefully crafted by Reynolds. I

found the subtler, more “realistic” sounds beguiled my ear

more than those deliberately distorted by “spatialization,” and

by manipulations of the dynamic envelope. I should like to

hear this solidity of image achieved with no engineering, other

than the highest quality recording.

However, I think this a worthy experiment in a new medium

with some worthwhile results. And I did particularly savor the

utter tangibility of the imaging, even if each voice pops out of the

background like the illuminated red nose of a clown…

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Most of our See review, this issueFall was so high. This was an elaborate joint Computer and TV combinedMade for DVD Original, so they’re not going to fake it for DVDStars. God, was I skeptical Must answer three riddles. If his answers are correct, she Dramatic confrontation, in the second scene of Act TwoTo Turandot’s collection the Chinese nation, ruled by an Ple either turning cynical, or lusting for more bloodPreoccupation like that made more sense, but Turandot. And why would there be? Yes, Puccini conscienTucks into a tiny corner of the staging. Hordes of Chinese Moon onstage we see a corps of Chinese dancers, wearingDVD-ness Classical DVD SamplerWith the sound either way, or with the sound of the Scala Ment of that, and when I listened, I found I’d chooseFull of pomp and circumstance, but much less lifelike PerformancesStart of each one, there’s Karajan on screen, his face Role mostly as a force of nature, powerful but blankLike institutional persona, Herr Music Director of All That’s simply ravishing This performance is broadSurrounded Roger Reynolds Watershed Mode 70, DVDJargon Experiment in a New MediumThough, is that Reynolds is way too impressed with Are so new that we all need orientationYes, theorists can find all sorts of relationships among Areas of music rhythm, loudness, and tone color, forMaybe, succeeded by metallic effects Musical scoreBut in rhythms he himself creates. In practice, these, to That, while Otto is allegedly creating syntax by movingB G E N D R O N Pop With a TwistMents of a Clockwork Orange What Ever Happened to Baby Performance we see on DVD begins with a filmBelow-average vocal performance Perfect timing and careful choreographySon’s Dead to the World. Nope Horizon, probably to his death. It is a scene that demandsTabloid, because of its sensational pur DVD, with its digitally clear resolutionInsignificance of the media and with a Ly slurs the tune’s climactic line,WhatGodzilla, Armageddon, Instrument is better than Dent films Gods and Monsters, Cookie’s Fortune thatWith 1991’s In on the Kill Close Encounter Voices of Light/The Passion of Joan of ArcD R E W Q U I N T Special presentation of Voices of Light/The Passion of Joan Other instances, were not merely happy coincidences, nor Obvious. The movie is about as complete as it can be.Each other. 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The TurboscanPioneer Elite DVL-91 Combination CD/LD/DVD Player Look and FeelL L C R U C E Meaning clear Up menus allow you to configure such things as onscreen lanLD Performance DVD PerformanceLy, the remote of the DVL-91, like that Wrong one in the darkDvdo iScan Plus Line Doubler Celebrate Film L M & M O V I E S Classic Comedy’s Second Coming Roberto BenigniQuently escape was Benigni’s first American and English Though a number of films in which BenigniRoberto on the Internet Aspect ratio and running time incorrectly Cute cameo which perhaps hints at a sequelSound Original Pink Panther film go figure. Sad to sayFirst wave of anger and incredulity. The DVD set was Special Editions Kubrick and The Space MonstersNo thanks to Warner’s folks Small wonder Set consists of Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, 2001 aBoth Clockwork and Full Metal Jacket exhibited pinkish What Dreams May Come Special Editions Few Weird ThoughtsNavigator a Medieval Odyssey, the other is Map Human Heart Worth a Look Relatively Recent ArrivalsMovie would have had the solid foundation it needed How beautiful she was when she was married to RogerTo say that the film is developing a cult following some Smooth as could be and given the importanceLove.1 As Biopics Three British RoyalsOtranto Old Dark House 1932, The Invisible Man Man in the Iron Mask 1939. But it is hisHP Comments You have an idea of what’s really going on in the film Ic in this context in cloud cuckooland, with theirMon with The Shining than with any other Kubrick opus Food-storage roomN a T H a N V a L I N From Art to CultSuch blatant symbolism can sustain an entire movie Only later goes on to give them human dimensions. EvenNot content to present us with an allegory of the eternal Face the questions that vexed and hauntedIssues 111 Questions About Your Subscription Back Issues Website Change of AddressLetters to the Editor Editorial SubmissionsName Company Address CITY, State , ZIP A S S I F I E D a D O R D E R F O R MVision Watch