Sony G90 manual Special Editions Few Weird Thoughts, What Dreams May Come

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Alien Resurrection – we find each at its correct

aspect, 2.35:1 for all save the James Cameron-direct-

ed Aliens, done here at 1.85:1. All are enhanced for

widescreen displays. All are in Dolby 5.1 surround, which,

as we shall soon learn, is not always an unmixed blessing.

And all have value-added features, ranging, at the simplest,

from Resurrection’s making-of featurette, to the chock full

of goodies on the original Alien, now in its “20th Anniver-

sary” edition.**

The bad news? The sound on Alien is stinko. In earlier

laser transfers of the film, the sound is quite remarkable,

especially in terms of low-frequency weight and articula-

tion and in overall dynamics. Considering its l979 origins,

the surround sound was most effectively deployed.***

But on this DVD, there is no low bass to be heard, and lit-

tle in the way of dynamics. Indeed, if you want a notion of

how far off the sound is, you don’t have to look up the earli-

er editions; all you have to do is select and play back the

music track itself (one of the nice features of the disc) and

see how vitiated, anemic, and jejune the sound has become.

Castrated is the word that pops to mind, if not to body.

This disc should be recalled, a new attempt made to

squeeze its wideband response into Dolby Digital’s narrow

band of bits.****

Visually, it’s a hard choice. I think my Palme d’Or for visu-

al excellence would go to Aliens (viewed in enhanced fash-

ion), which is up there with the best in my experience. *****

Nearly, maybe just as good is Alien Resurrection, but

what a mess its script is, and its director Jean-Pierre Jeunet

(Delicatessen, The City of Lost Children) brings little of his

outrageous visual flare to bear on the proceedings. Given

its box-office reception, nearly as bad as the critical drub-

bings it took, I doubt there will be another in the series,

although I find the implied prospect of aliens loose on a

futuristic planet earth yummy (maybe they would physical-

ly morph into the sleaze-spitting Matt Drudges of the world

to come). Alien3, which repulsed me when I saw it in the

theater, actually plays better on the smaller screens of the

home theater. ******

***I saw a 70mm blow-up of this film in one of Long Island’s best the- aters, before United Artists split it into three theaters and finally razed it to the ground. The sound design helped scare the pants off me and virtu- ally everybody else who was there.

****I intend to undertake a lengthy analysis of the all-too-often crum- my AC-3 sound on DVDs. I have tarried for DTS capability, on the thought that the DTS soundtracks that haven’t been souped up to the high Andes might provide a useful comparison, provided I can find a DTS disc that has not been dicked with.

*****I am working on a comparative listing, in terms of visual excel- lence alone, for an upcoming Super DVD compilation. So far, for those of you who cannot wait, that list would include Starship Troopers, Crash, Austin Powers (but not for content - yes, I just don’t get it), Dark City, Ronin, Elizabeth, and Gods and Monsters, to name but a few.

****** I saw, with Tom Miiller some years ago, the opening day show- ing of John Carpenter’s The Thing in a 70mm blow-up, and it left me feel- ing queasy with stomach over easy, much as did a reading recently of Thomas Harris’ Hannibal, which cannot, without the dread NC-17 rating hovering overhead, be translated faithfully to the screen. Those who have read the ending will know what I mean. When I again saw The Thing, in the first of its t wo laserdisc editions, I found it fascinating and what had been repulsive was tamed almost into an objet d’art field day for the gift- ed Rob Bottin. The home-theater experience seems to f avor feeling over impact, expanding our ability to identify or “read in” to the emotional context of a film, while shrinking the film’s ability to overpower, trans- port, or disgust.

It certainly makes more sense. The look that

director David Fincher (Seven) bestowed on it was

radical in several senses and made following its con-

voluted goings-on, particularly where the monster was con-

cerned, difficult on first viewing. 3 isn’t as bad a movie as I

first thought, though it is not in the same starry pantheon as

the first two movies. Is it heresy to say that Cameron’s only

two good films are the original Terminator and Aliens? If so,

so be it. And the restoration of the 17 minutes he had to cut

to accommodate the marketing powers that be makes sound

emotional sense in the deepening of Ripley’s character,

although I think I could have done without the prolog of

what happened to the colonists. The film works better, I

think, if the way the aliens connected with the people in the

off-world settlement is left a mystery. I find it particularly

objectionable that it is the parents of the one survivor who

first got alienated, so to speak. Too pat. Being pat to the point

of obviousness is one the things I object to most about

Cameron’s work. In Terminator II, he throws away suspense

and the unexpected, unanticipated shock for the gratuitous

special effect. If the morphing villain of II could change him-

self into anything including the floor, the suspense of where

he’d pop up next ought to be killing, but Cameron doesn’t

once take advantage of this inherent license to scare the

remaining wits (not much these days, judging from what’s

making money at the box office) out of the audience.

These discs are available separately, to be sure. So you

might save a buck or more by cherry-picking the best of the

series. I don’t recommend the Alien disc and won’t short of

a remastering (unlikely, I’d think) to solve its sonic woes.

Aliens is a must. Whether or not you go for the other two

would depend entirely on your compulsiveness about these

things. I think you could pass, but then I didn’t, did I?

Special Editions:

A Few Weird Thoughts

I seem to have developed a kind of journalistically induced

schizopolis when it comes to the “added value” stuffings found

in laserdisc and DVD special editions. I deplored the lack of

these features in the Kubrick set and have wondered what

else, beside the kitchen sink, might be found on the DVD of

What Dreams May Come.

As a general rule, I have no use for the “making of” fea-

turettes on DVDs since they are basically promo stuff that

adds virtually nothing to my understanding of the background

of what I’ve just seen. Exception: The all-too-short film made

during the filming of The Shining. Proving the rule: The film

accompanying the release of Gods and Monsters (“Worlds of

Gods and Monsters: A Journey with James Whale”), which I

expected to further enlighten me about the life of that director.

It didn’t.

Oddly, I think, given my endless fascination with film tech-

nology, I really don’t want to know how every special effect has

been done – some things are better left mysteries, as any prac-

ticing magician can tell you. And I find some of the blather from

directors self-indulgent to the point of narcissism. I under-

stand, from a standpoint of pure ego, the desire of directors

and stars to leave behind some sort of permanent record that

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Contents Sony G90 Size Does Matter Ingly just beyond reach Than ever we needed in strange, dark cavesExperience before he finds a little of It Sound and vision at the same time every timeKubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut HP Bergman’s The Seventh Seal DVDFollies & Frolics Barco Vision WatchEditors will respond next issue Can All That Counts Be Counted? a Forum BeginsII Janet’s Index EditorIf The Perfect Vision is to push Problem with DVD Digital ArtifactsTargeting 14-Year-Old Boys? Azine Widescreen Review perhaps? Down Primrose Path Toward Perfect Vision Forever?At all. So it doesn’t take Hdtv or What Not To See on DVD Digital Cinema The Good Bad of ItJohn Eargle Lossy Data Compression & DVD Sound TV Is TVI L L E R Series such as Star Trek The Next Generation . EachE G Movie TriviaDVDs Gaining Momentum S I C & M U L T I M E D I a E G S a N D O WM M a R T I N Panasonic DVD-L50D PalmTheaterViaTV VC 105 Videophone R R Y R a W L I N S O N EncounteredInfocomm Report Significant New Products and TrendsWorld of displays To recreate the theater experience in the home Ogy near its limit and its days are numbered. The displayLight projected on the screen. These considerations have Tunately, there are trade-offs for the small size of ultraAn Ideal Cinema? Real movie where there was none before, or at least Ometimes I think that every position on aMoviemaking crew comes with its special privi Leges, its perks, as it were. If you’re the script superOne way or another when it comes to working with Ity between when they are and whenAssistant directors, service people, FootageCertainly a serviceable way to edit MoviesLikely to get you Directors seem to trust me to use my Into any troubleAllowing for camera setups, lighting, and rig Takes and setups meaning the masterIt’s a funny thing about matching in editing. Most lay Enjoy prelaps to pull the narrativeSion? In Understanding Media, McCluhan R L E Y Lexicon MC-1 ControllerSonic Flavors To Slake Every Thirst Listening to Movies Logic 7 Digital Signal Processing for Movies and MusicLexicon’s Music Surround Modes Listening To Music Surround Conclusion Ing the Denon Anechoic Orchestral Music Recording CDControllers DSP and the Future-Proof Controller Two-Channel Bypass ModeSurround Decoding and Digital Signal Processing DSP THX-Certified Controllers Bass ManagementHigh-Resolution Digital Audio …the controller representsRadical new path to Future…After DSP Digital to Analog Conversion InterFacing the UserRevel Ultima Speakers From 2 to 7.1 Channels Episode One The Ancient EnemyMeet My Enemy M M I I L L E RDeploying the Troops RPG Room Optimizer Software 59 byRevel Ultima Salon Noble Warrior Start and go get a beer, or twoYou wanted to cross over your subwoofer at 40 Hz Tion coefficient for the surfaces that is comparable toOur noble warrior against the ancient enemy Likewise for the 15-inch woofer in the Sub-15Essary to achieve the Revel design team’s led by Kevin Research effort to quantify in-room speaker behaviorDirect radiator to bloated. The Salon’s soundstage com By Keith Johnson for Reference RecordingsNal processing in controllers hadn’t made subwoofer Speaker? Removing the bottom octave from the Salon’sFormance. Orchestral music, for example, is performed Woofer, when it is well integrated with your main speakersCians often use emphasis in the intensity Cy, phase, and time. It then develops adaptive filters that Battle Summary Stand-offEpisode Two a War On Two Fronts Get that the fight for the lowlands was far from overLINN-AV5103 Aktiv Multi-Channel System Search of the Mythical BeastCompany of the Beast Quest BeginsWorking the Environment Remote InterfaceNAD T770 Audio-Video Receiver Just the Basics, Done WellSumming Up I L G a D E RDas Boot, The Director’s Cut Wolfgang Peterson, director Gaines’ Stormy Monday I’ve Got the T-Bone WalkerSteering in DD mode is precise and smooth Manufacturer’s CornerRPG Diffuser Systems Inc., Room Optimizer Designs go, the NAD T770 is all steakI D I W a L E S O N Want My DVDMajor Labels’ Plans for Classical Music on DVD Tan Opera Guide to Opera on Video and executive direc Audience, he says. We fed that information to the rear Tion from the main mikes as well as the spot mikesFrom the two main mikes and brought it to the rear ones Have been considered typical indeed, good for aSee review, this issue Quering technology issues, Moorhead says. Most of ourFall was so high. This was an elaborate joint Computer and TV combinedStars. God, was I skeptical Made for DVDOriginal, so they’re not going to fake it for DVD Dramatic confrontation, in the second scene of Act Two Must answer three riddles. If his answers are correct, sheTo Turandot’s collection the Chinese nation, ruled by an Ple either turning cynical, or lusting for more bloodTurandot. And why would there be? Yes, Puccini conscien Preoccupation like that made more sense, butTucks into a tiny corner of the staging. Hordes of Chinese Moon onstage we see a corps of Chinese dancers, wearingClassical DVD Sampler DVD-nessMent of that, and when I listened, I found I’d choose With the sound either way, or with the sound of the ScalaFull of pomp and circumstance, but much less lifelike PerformancesRole mostly as a force of nature, powerful but blank Start of each one, there’s Karajan on screen, his faceLike institutional persona, Herr Music Director of All That’s simply ravishing This performance is broadRoger Reynolds Watershed Mode 70, DVD SurroundedJargon Experiment in a New MediumAre so new that we all need orientation Though, is that Reynolds is way too impressed withYes, theorists can find all sorts of relationships among Areas of music rhythm, loudness, and tone color, forMusical score Maybe, succeeded by metallic effectsBut in rhythms he himself creates. In practice, these, to That, while Otto is allegedly creating syntax by movingPop With a Twist B G E N D R O NMents of a Clockwork Orange What Ever Happened to Baby Performance we see on DVD begins with a filmPerfect timing and careful choreography Below-average vocal performanceSon’s Dead to the World. Nope Horizon, probably to his death. It is a scene that demandsDVD, with its digitally clear resolution Tabloid, because of its sensational purInsignificance of the media and with a Ly slurs the tune’s climactic line,WhatDent films Gods and Monsters, Cookie’s Fortune that Godzilla, Armageddon, Instrument is better thanWith 1991’s In on the Kill D R E W Q U I N T Close EncounterVoices of Light/The Passion of Joan of Arc Special presentation of Voices of Light/The Passion of Joan Obvious. The movie is about as complete as it can be. Other instances, were not merely happy coincidences, norEach other. Seen together, they seemed inseparable yet By much of the sound reinforcement heard in BroadwayAn Introduction to Digital Video Part 2 Video Color ConceptsPhysics of Color Human Color PerceptionColorblindness Color Concepts for Video Additive ColorLuminance Hue and SaturationCIE Chromaticity Diagram Display Color Accuracy RGB Primaries The Color TriangleColor Measurement Color Bars White Reference Color TemperatureGrayscale Color Temperature Other color signals will also Color errors.Are used in some circumstances Instrument known as a color analyzer or a spectroAvia Guide to Home Theater pro AdjustmentsColor and Hue E G R O G E R S Sony VPH-G90U Multiscan ProjectorPhysical Installation and Set-up ConnectionsScan Rates Operating FunctionsPerformance SummaryDescription SpecificationsRunco DTV-930 Multiscan Projector Inputs/Outputs Convergence Labs Test Report Greg Rogers Formats can be selected directly from the remoteHorizontal and vertical scan frequencies and other source Be noticedRange Combination is about the reasonable limit to achieve anLine Doubling = Deinterlacing Remote ControlIEV Turboscan 1500 Line Doubler Video outputs. As a progressive video reference, I used a Creates progressive video without deinterlacing artifactsIcs-grade front projector 3Dfusion do each in different ways. The TurboscanL L C R U C E Pioneer Elite DVL-91 Combination CD/LD/DVD PlayerLook and Feel Up menus allow you to configure such things as onscreen lan Meaning clearDVD Performance LD PerformanceLy, the remote of the DVL-91, like that Wrong one in the darkDvdo iScan Plus Line Doubler Celebrate Film Classic Comedy’s Second Coming Roberto Benigni L M & M O V I E SThough a number of films in which Benigni Quently escape was Benigni’s first American and EnglishRoberto on the Internet Cute cameo which perhaps hints at a sequel Aspect ratio and running time incorrectlySound Original Pink Panther film go figure. Sad to saySpecial Editions Kubrick and The Space Monsters First wave of anger and incredulity. The DVD set wasNo thanks to Warner’s folks Small wonder Set consists of Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, 2001 aBoth Clockwork and Full Metal Jacket exhibited pinkish Special Editions Few Weird Thoughts What Dreams May ComeWorth a Look Relatively Recent Arrivals Navigator a Medieval Odyssey, the other is Map Human HeartHow beautiful she was when she was married to Roger Movie would have had the solid foundation it neededTo say that the film is developing a cult following some Smooth as could be and given the importanceBiopics Three British Royals Love.1 AsOtranto Man in the Iron Mask 1939. But it is his Old Dark House 1932, The Invisible ManHP Comments Ic in this context in cloud cuckooland, with their You have an idea of what’s really going on in the filmMon with The Shining than with any other Kubrick opus Food-storage roomFrom Art to Cult N a T H a N V a L I NOnly later goes on to give them human dimensions. Even Such blatant symbolism can sustain an entire movieNot content to present us with an allegory of the eternal Face the questions that vexed and hauntedIssues 111 Back Issues Website Change of Address Questions About Your SubscriptionLetters to the Editor Editorial SubmissionsA S S I F I E D a D O R D E R F O R M Name Company Address CITY, State , ZIPVision Watch