Sony G90 manual Otranto

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you regularly hear on ER, all of whom act as if they were in a

Tudor version of The Godfather – is to turn high drama into

high kitsch.

Director Kapur’s florid, melodramatic visual style only

makes bad matters worse. Kapur dotes on short, punchy,

MTV-like takes, in which he typically ratchets up the fore-

boding (the one effect he seems to have mastered) by shoot-

ing in very low light from lots of quick, “arty” angles. He

loves setting his actors in frantic, pointless motion and then

tracking them restlessly down dark, column-lined corridors.

He is also far too fond of crosscutting, in hackneyed fash-

ion, between pretty sunlit or candlelit idylls and ominous

shots of horses galloping across moors or armed men strid-

ing dark castle halls. When this whole calliope of clichés is

set to David Hirschfelder’s dreadful, pounding, prophetic

score, the saga of Elizabeth’s transformation from princess

to Virgin Queen is turned into Gothic camp. The Castle of

Otranto 90210.

Although the producers of Elizabeth went to great

extent to film in authentic locations (as if keeping faith

with the past were simply a matter of keeping up appear-

ances), their true intentions are clear from the start. The

movie has been written, shot, and cut strictly for the high-

adrenaline, short-attention-span Gen-X market. There are

flashes of romping-through-the-fields romance and dirty

dancing for the girls; dusky romps in the hay and violent

revenge for the guys; and a cast that was clearly selected,

coifed, and costumed with an eye to what would appeal to

young viewers of each sex. Polygram ordered the old girl

and her courtiers to lively up themselves – and figured

they’d ordered up a hit.

A hit the movie was, although not, as you can tell, in the

Valin household. Cate Blanchett, who is perhaps the only rea -

son to sit through this kitschy claptrap, looks great and acts

well in a tough part, but even she goes over-the-top on occa-

sion. (Take a look at the scene in which she is forced by Cecil

to accept the Duke of Anjou as a suitor, while simultaneously

trying to deal with her jealous lover, Robert Dudley [1:9, c. 50

minutes]. Blanchett flies about, with Kapur’s camera doing its

usual ring-around-the-rosy, twisting her hands and screwing

up her face like a bad actress in a bad silent film.)

Elizabeth is a very good-looking transfer, with a powerful

Dolby Digital soundtrack and a lot of thunderous low bass – for

what those things are worth, which isn’t much, in my opinion.

* * *

If Elizabeth turned out to be a major disappointment, Mrs.

Brown, another film about another great English monarch,

turned out to be a surprising success.

Unlike Shekhur Kapur, director John Madden is a pro with

a straightforward, serviceable visual style that never gets in

the way of the storytelling. As a filmmaker, he has the virtues

of modesty, faith in his actors, and good taste in scripts.

(Shakespeare in Love was his next project.) All of which

means that Mrs. Brown, which starts from a far less promis-

ing (and sexy) premise than Elizabeth, holds you for almost

its entire length by the power of its plot-line and the pleasure

of its performances.

As I said, the premise is not promising, though more accu-

rate historically than anything in Elizabeth. After the death of

her beloved consort, Prince Albert, Queen Victoria sank into

ayears-long depression. While she sat in Windsor and

mourned, her country was left virtually without a monarch,

giving the crown’s enemies in the House of Com-

mons, Gladstone and the Liberals, room to maneu-

ver and giving her son, Albert, the opportunity to

promote his own regency.

In an attempt to revive her spirits and head off

a constitutional crisis, some of the Queen’s advisors decided to

call on John Brown, a Master of Horse at Balmoral Castle in

Scotland, whom Prince Albert had greatly admired and who

had once saved the Queen’s life after a carriage accident. The

thought was that the rugged, affable Brown could entice Victo-

ria to go riding – and that once out-of-doors, out of Windsor

Castle, her depression might begin to lift and her mourning end.

What none of the Queen’s counselors realized was that

Brown was an extremely independent and headstrong Scot,

with his own firm ideas about how to raise the Queen’s spirits

and with an absolute devotion to her person. Beginning with

their daily rides, he gradually won Victoria’s trust – and, to

everyone else’s horror, her heart. Before long, he was the

most powerful man in court – able to persuade Victoria to

move her royal family and retinue to Balmoral, in the High-

lands, able to control the Queen’s daily regimen and official

schedule, able to head off her son, Albert, whom he treated

with utter disrespect.

The court and Commons began to gossip about Brown and

“Mrs. Brown,” raising the possibility of a monarchy-wrecking

scandal and leading the Queen’s Prime Minister Benjamin Dis-

raeli (Antony Sher, in a marvelously arch and supple perfor-

mance) to visit Balmoral and try to negotiate with Brown the

return of the Queen to London – and the public eye.

Nothing sensationally dramatic occurs in the course of

Mrs. Brown – certainly nothing like the bloody intrigues and

hot liaisons of Elizabeth. Queen Victoria and John Brown

don’t even share a kiss. And yet the love that grows between

them – and the way that love transforms the Queen, giving

her the strength to carry on – is enough to keep us highly


Although Billy Connolly does a superior job as burly John

Brown, the faithful servant, his performance grows a bit one-

note as he bangs against the limits of the belligerent Scot’s

foursquare character. One gets a bit weary of hearing

Brown/Connolly bray things like, “Woman, why y’no listen to

me?” in that booming brogue. On the other hand, Judi Dench’s

Victoria, which is acted within an even narrower expressive

compass than Connolly’s Brown, is a thing to marvel at.

Given Victoria’s infamous sense of propriety, Dench has to

express the Queen’s love for Brown primarily by indirection –

rather than through words or deeds. The glint of her smile, the

subtle movements of her eyes or hands become barometers of

what her character is thinking and feeling. That a performer

can make such gestures consistently expressive of complex

and shifting emotional states – without hammering them too

hard, without going over-the-top – is acting of the highest order.

In its modesty and restraint, Mrs. Brown may well be the

ultimate Victorian love story, but that does not keep it from

being a moving one – or keep Dench from giving the best per-

formance of 1997.

* * *

For the best performance of 1998, you’ll have to turn to anoth-

er type of British royal – expatriate film director James Whale,

whose life and death are the subjects of Bill Condon’s deeply

affecting biopic, Gods and Monsters.

Whale made his reputation in Thirties Hollywood, direct-

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