•For Windows Vista, Server 2008, and later, set the platform parameter to device_id=0002. For example:
•For all other versions of Windows, set the platform parameter to viridian=true. For example:
11.4.2.Importing Disk Images
The XenCenter Import wizard allows you to import a disk image into a pool or specific host as a VM. The Import wizard takes you through the usual steps needed to create a new VM in XenCenter: nominating a host, and then configuring storage and networking for the new VM.
•You must be logged in as root or have the Pool Administrator Role Based Access Control (RBAC) role associated with your user account.
•DHCP has to be running on the management network XenServer is using.
•The Import wizard requires local storage on the server on which you are running it.
To Import VM(s) from a Disk Image using XenCenter:
1.Open the Import wizard by doing one of the following:
•In the Resources pane,
•On the File menu, select Import.
2.On the first page of the wizard, locate the file you want to import, and then click Next to continue.
3.Specify the VM name and allocate CPU and memory resources.
Enter a name for the new VM to be created from the imported disk image, and then allocate the number of CPUs and amount of memory. Click Next to continue.
4.Specify the pool or host to which you want to import the VM(s), and then (optionally) assign the VM(s) to a home XenServer host.
To select a host or pool, choose from the Import VM(s) to
To assign each VM a home XenServer host, select a server from the list in the Home Server. If you wish not to assign a home server, select Don't assign a home server.
Click Next to continue.
5.Configure storage for the imported VM(s): select one or more storage repositories on which to place the imported virtual disks, and then click Next to continue.
To place all the imported virtual disks on the same SR, select Place all imported VMs on this target SR, and then select an SR from the list.
To place the virtual disks of incoming VMs onto different SRs, select Place imported VMs on the specified target SRs. For each VM, select the target SR from the list in the SR column.
6.Configure networking for the imported VMs: map the virtual network interfaces in the VMs you are importing to target networks in the destination pool. The Network and MAC address shown in the list of incoming VMs are stored as part of the definition of the original (exported) VM in the export file. To map an incoming virtual network interface to a target network, select a network from the list in the Target Network column. Click Next to continue.