After mounting the share, any available ISOs will be available from the Install from ISO Library or DVD drive drop- down list in XenCenter, or as CD images from the CLI commands.
The ISO should be attached to an appropriate Windows template.
9.3. XenServer Tools
The Citrix paravirtualized network and SCSI drivers (XenServer Tools) provide high performance I/O services without the overhead of traditional device emulation. These drivers replace the emulated devices and provide
If you are working with a VM that does not have XenServer Tools installed, a Tools not installed message in red text will be visible on the General tab in the properties pane. A message will also be displayed here if XenServer has been updated and the VM has an older version of XenServer Tools from an earlier release. In this case, the message displayed is Tools out of date (version x.y installed). For a Windows VM, you can
After Windows is installed, install the XenServer Tools. These are on an ISO available to the virtual
While a Windows VM functions without them, performance is significantly hampered unless these drivers are installed. Running Windows VMs without these drivers is not supported. Some features, such as live relocation across physical hosts, will only work with the PV drivers installed and active.
Attach the Windows PV drivers ISO to the VM by using the Install Tools menu in XenCenter, or by directly attaching the
To silently install the XenServer Tools and prevent the system from rebooting afterwards, use the /S and /norestart options:
<install_dir>/xensetup.exe /S /norestart
The Windows PV drivers are installed by default in the C:\Program Files\Citrix\XenTools directory on the VM.
The XenServer Tools can also be installed on a provisioned Windows machine by running the executable
In order to install XenServer Tools on a Windows VM, the VM must be running the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0 or later. If a VM is running Windows 2003, you need to install the Windows Imaging Component (see your vendor documentation for details) before installing XenServer Tools.