Oracle Audio Technologies Oracle Tuxedo manual Shutting Down the Handler

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Running Oracl e TMA TCP fo r CI CS

2.If the multiplex count is 1 and security is disabled, or if the service request came from a version of TMA TCP gateway prior to Version 3.0, then the following tasks occur.

a.The Handler issues a CICS LINK command to execute the program specified in the TMA TCP protocol header. With the LINK command it also passes along any request data provided by the client application that made the original Oracle Tuxedo service request.

b.The Handler waits for the CICS program to finish and receives any returned data from the CICS program.

c.The Handler transmits the response to the remote TMA TCP gateway gateway.

d.The Handler stays connected to the remote gateway awaiting another service request.

3.If the multiplex count is greater than 1 or security is enabled, then the following tasks occur.

a.The Handler issues an EXEC CICS START TRANS call with the transaction specified in the Inbound Service File for the service specified in the TMA TCP protocol header. The transaction should be the same as the Application Handler program.

Note: If security is enabled, the EXEC CICS START TRANSID call uses the user ID specified in the TMA TCP protocol header.

b.For any completed service requests, the Handler retrieves the response data from the Application Handler.

c.The Handler transmits the response to the remote TMA TCP gateway gateway.

d.The connection between the Handler and the gateway remains and the Handler waits for another service request.

For tpacall/TPNOREPLY requests, the remote program is invoked by a CICS START TRANSID command and no data is returned to the original caller. In this case, a unique transaction must be defined for the service. Use the Inbound Service Information screen to enter this unique transaction name rather than using the transaction name that starts the Application Handler.

Shutting Down the Handler

When the network connection is lost, the Handler process automatically shuts down. The next service request sent causes the Listener to automatically start a new Handler, if necessary.

Use the supplied shutdown transaction BDWN to terminate active TMA TCP for CICS programs. Depending on the options specified, this causes all Handlers to shut down gracefully. The name of the BDWN transaction may have been changed at your site during installation, so verify the name.

Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP CICS User Guide


Image 21 Oracle Audio Technologies Oracle Tuxedo manual Shutting Down the Handler
Contents Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Page Contents Understanding How Oracle TMA TCP for Cics Works Configuring and Administering Oracle TMA TCP for Cics Vi OracleTuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Cics User Guide Programming Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Cics Error and Informational Messages What You Need to Know Introducing Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP CicsOracle TMA TCP for Cics Architecture Oracle TMA TCP FunctionalityDomains-based Gateway Connectivity Oracle TMA TCP for Cics Components TMA TCP for Cics Application Handler TMA TCP for Cics HandlerTMA TCP for Cics Requester TMA TCP for Cics Pre-requesterIBM TCP/IP Sockets Interface IBM TCP/IP Sockets for Cics Supplied ListenerRequests from within an Oracle Tuxedo Domain Processing ScenariosTMA TCP for Cics Oracle Tuxedo to TMA TCP for Cics RoutingRequests from within Cics Oracle TMA Client Gateway Configuration Getting Started with TMA TCP for Cics Starting the Listener Program Understanding How Oracle TMA TCP for Cics WorksProcessing Remote Service Requests Running Oracle TMA TCP for CicsInitializing the Handler Shutting Down the Handler Listing 2-1 Bdwn Command Line Syntax for Handlers Using Bdwn to Shut Down the HandlerShutting Down the Requester Starting the Requester ProgramListing 2-2 Bdwn Command Line Syntax for Requesters Using Bdwn to Shut Down the RequesterOracle Tuxedo Terminology Translating Data with TMA TCP gatewayOracle Tuxedo Terminology Data Translation RulesTerm Definition Field Type Translation RulesView Field Type/Length Remote Data Type DescriptionIncluding Null Characters in String Length Calculations Strings and Numeric Data a Closer LookService Request Processing with Security Configuring the TMA TCP SecuritySecurity Checking for Unix to Mainframe Transactions Security Checking from Unix to MainframeSecurity Checking for Mainframe to Unix Transactions Security Checking from Mainframe to UnixSetting Up Security for TMA TCP for Cics Securing Inbound ServicesSecuring User Connections Securing Outbound Connections from Cics to Unix Securing Outbound Connections from Cics to CicsSecuring Outbound Connections from Cics to IMS Securing Outbound Services Configuring and Administering Oracle TMA TCP for Cics Menu Navigation Main MenuMenu Type Use Main Menu Beam Sub-menu Codes Area of Operation UsageMain Menu Beam Operation Codes Allowable Operation Enter This Code To Access This ScreenBrowse Requester Connection Screens Update Connection Screen C2PF Keys Function Keys DefinitionsField Name Description FieldsInquire Connection Screen C3 This name is the gateway ID. Specify a unique name up to Browse Connection Screen C5 Requester Screens Function Key Insert Requester Screen R1Configuring the TMA TCP Security section Used on the Oracle Tuxedo-side configuration. Coordinate Update Requester Screen R2 TMA TCP Security Cics Queue Name Inquire Requester Screen R3Is a unique name up to 16 characters. Example bankmach1 On the Oracle Tuxedo-side configuration. Coordinate with Delete Requester Screen R4 This name is a unique name up to 16 characters. Example An eight-character ID. This name must be the same ID Browse Requester Screen R5 Outbound Service Information Screens Function Keys Insert Outbound Service Information Screen S1Service name as it is known to the Cics programmer Update Outbound Service Information Screen S2 Inquire Outbound Service Information Screen S3 Delete Outbound Service Information Screen S4 This name is a symbolic name as it was defined on the Delete User Connection Account Screens Browse Outbound Service Information Screen S5Insert User Connection Account Screen U1 Update User Connection Account Screen U2 Inquire User Connection Account Screen U3 Delete User Connection Account Screen U4 Browse User Connection Account Screen U5 Inbound Service Information Screens Insert Inbound Service Information Screen Service name as it is known in the remote Oracle Tuxedo Cics section Update Inbound Service Information ScreenFields TCP Cics section Inquire Inbound Service Information ScreenFields Delete Inbound Service Information Screen Fields Message results Browse Inbound Service ScreenHandler Configuration Screens Update Handler Configuration Screen H2 Inquire Handler Configuration Screen H3 Fields Dynamically Configuring TMA TCP for Cics Modifying Outbound ServicesModifying User Connection Accounts Administering the Gateways Modifying ConnectionsDeleting Requester LMIDs Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Cics User Guide Client Application Considerations Buffer Layout IssuesMaking Calls from a Cics Client Program Listing 5-1 Cobol RecordListing 5-2 C Structures Request Codes Return Codes Value Listing 5-3 Cobol Cics Client Program Example ExamplesListing 5-4 C Cics Client Program Example Exec Cics Link Programprereq Error HandlingServer Application Considerations Application ErrorsProgramming Services with a Response Programming Services without a ResponseModifying the Length of the Return Message Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Cics User Guide Message Description Messages Returned to the Remote GatewayDisconnect process has completed successfully Messages Written to the TMA TCP for Cics Log Password specified in the TMA TCP gateway configuration File control function with the Fgetfl option failed Handler is verifying that the account and password codes Connection already exists Codes Returned to a Cics Client ProgramValue Lmid Data Field Error Messages Informational Process MessagesMessage Description Action Entered is not valid MAX MSG Size entered is Enter a valid MAX MSG Size i.e System Error Messages Invreq