Cli ent Applic ation Considerations
char Request_data[MAX_DATA_LENGTH]; | /* REQUEST DATA */ |
The variables in the previous COBOL and C examples are defined as follows.
The length of the data in the Request_data field.
The service request name (ask the administrator for the names).
A predefined numeric value that indicates the type of call this is.
BEA_REQUEST_NORESPONSE - Value is 7. A No Reply Service Request. In this case the request is sent over to Oracle Tuxedo for the service to be performed, but no response data is sent back.
BEA_REQUEST_RESPONSE - Value is 5. A Request/Response Request. A request is sent to Oracle Tuxedo and a response is expected back.
Table 5-1 Request Codes
Code | Value |
This code is the return code from the CICS Requester.
All return codes are listed in the following table. Notify the administrator if any of the return codes indicate a processing or network problem.
Note: For a complete description of these codes, refer to the “Codes Returned to a CICS Client Program” section in Appendix A.
Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP - CICS User Guide |