Cli ent Applic ation Considerations
LENGTH(lmsg) RESP(resp) RESP2(resp2);
if(carea.CltHdr.ReturnCd carea.CltHdr.ReqReturnCd) process error;
successful call, returned data is in Request_data;
Note: C Programmers, do not include the NULL terminator on any strings. In the previous example, the memxxx calls were used instead of the strxxx calls. This example is typical when using C and CICS together. For more information see your C for CICS documentation.
Error Handling
You may encounter the following three types of errors while using TMA TCP for CICS:
zGateway errors (communications problems)
zMVS or CICS errors
zApplication errors
The following subsections explain how TMA TCP handles these different kinds of errors.
Gateway Errors
When local or remote gateway errors occur they are logged in the Oracle Tuxedo ULOG file on the remote Oracle Tuxedo node and in the BEALOG file (a TD Queue defined during installation) within the CICS region. All associated service requests fail and if the TMA gateways are able to communicate with each other, error messages are communicated between them.
MVS or CICS Errors
For requests originating in the Oracle Tuxedo domain, if the remote target system does not make it possible for TMA TCP for CICS to detect particular types of failure, the TMA TCP gateway (the Oracle Tuxedo domain) blocking
Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP - CICS User Guide |