Hue provides the contrast between colors, what distinguishes one color from another.
Hue Saturation Value. The characteristics of the image’s color based on the hue, saturation and brightness (value).
This graph of how many numbers of each possible brightness levels occur in an image is created by looking at each pixel and computing its brightness and then counting the number of times each level occurs in the image. The Histogram can be used to gauge the overall quality, brightness, contrast, and dynamic range of an image.
Image Editing
You can take any image, either scanned or from a file and manipulate the image in a variety of ways, limited only by imagination and the limitations of the software. Many image editing software applications are also scanning applications. There is a wealth of 3rd party
Inkjet Printer
An inkjet prints by spraying minute dots of ink on the paper. Most Inkjet printers print images by
A global Transmission Control/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networks linking millions of computers for communications purposes. The Internet originally was developed in 1969 for the US Military and later encompassed educational and research facilities as well. The Internet grew from this to now encompass commercial and individual use today. The most visual, and most popular, part of the Internet is the World Wide Web. The Web is a system of graphical or text files linked by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol and Hypertext Markup Language, allowing a person to simply click on one page and end up on another which may reside on a completely different computer.
Interpolated Resolution
The software of the scanner driver (or the driver of other imaging devices) enhances the resolution of an image. Optical resolution represents the true resolution of a scanning or imaging device. Interpolation takes the optical resolution and converts it to a higher value buy computing the data between measured values.
Reversing the color values in an image. Inverting a color image will yield something that has the appearance of a negative. Inverting a black and white image will reverse the black with the white.
A screen display is drawn in lines. In interlaced mode, in a first stage all the even lines are drawn, and in a second stage all the odd lines. This allows a higher graphics resolution, but produces more flickering than
A video image must be stretched or shrunk in order to fit into the display window. If pixels are simply