Table 1-1. Rules and Guidelines for SAN-Attached Clusters (continued)
Rule/Guideline | Description |
Fibre Channel | PowerVault 50F, 51F, and 56F. |
switches supported |
Fibre Channel switch | For 50F, version |
firmware | sion 2.1.7 or later. |
Fibre Channel HBA | QLogic 2100/33, 2200/33, or 2200/66 megahertz (MHz) |
supported | HBA (copper cabling). HBAs within a single cluster must |
| be the same. |
QLogic driver | Version 7.04.08 or later for Windows NT. |
version | Version 7.04.08 or later for Windows 2000. |
QLConfig version | Version 1.24 or later. See “Installing the QLogic Fibre |
| Channel Configuration Utility,” found later in this docu- |
| ment, for information on installing QLConfig. |
PowerVault | Version 5.11.08 or later. All PowerVault storage systems |
firmware version | must be running the same version of firmware. |
Operating system | Each cluster attached to the SAN can run either |
| Windows NT 4.0 Server, Enterprise Edition or |
| Windows 2000 Advanced Server. A SAN configuration |
| with one or more clusters running Windows 2000 and |
| one or more clusters running Windows NT is supported. |
Windows NT or | Windows NT configurations require Service Pack 6a or |
Windows 2000 ser- | later. Windows 2000 configurations require the latest |
vice pack | supported service pack. See the Dell PowerEdge Clus- |
| ter FE100/FL100 Platform Guide for more information |
| on the latest supported service pack. |
PowerVault 530F | Not supported. |
SAN appliance |
NOTES: See “Installing the QLogic Fibre Channel Configuration Utility,” found later in this document, for information on installing QLConfig in
Dell OpenManage Storage Consolidation software must not be running on cluster nodes.
With SAN 3.0, you can configure a SAN of up to 20 servers and 8 storage systems.
support.dell.com | Dell PowerEdge Cluster |