Alert! Primary | System detected that |
processor is | the primary processor is |
out of rev. | not the correct revision. |
| If the system contains |
| more than 512 MB of |
| RAM, this message will |
| be followed by a Sys- |
| tem Halted message. |
Processor is a type not supported by Dell.
Alert! Proces- | Processor or | Faulty processor or |
sor thermal | system board has | defective system board. |
probe failure | failed. |
detected. |
Alert! Second- | System detected that | Processor is a type not |
ary processor | the secondary proces- | supported by Dell. |
is out of rev. | sor is not the correct |
| revision. If the system |
| contains more than |
| 512 MB of RAM, this |
| message will be fol- |
| lowed by a System |
| Halted message. |
Alert! Single- | Faulty or improperly | |
bit memory | was detected during | seated DIMMs or defec- |
error previ- | the previous operating | tive system board. |
ously detected | session. |
in XXXXh. |
Alert! System | System fan was not | No fan installed, defec- |
fan was not | detected. | tive fan, or fan cable not |
detected. |
| connected. |
Alert! Unbuf- | Mixing of unbuffered | Two different types |
fered and | and registered SDRAM | (unbuffered and regis- |
registered | DIMMs is not | tered) of SDRAM DIMMs |
SDRAM DIMMs | supported. | have been installed |
cannot be |
| together and may not be |
mixed. |
| compatible. |
Alert! Uncor- | Multibit ECC error was | Faulty or improperly |
rectable memory | detected during the pre- | seated DIMMs or defec- |
error previ- | vious operating session. | tive system board. |
ously detected |
in XXXXh. |
Auxiliary | System detected a | Faulty mouse, or faulty |
Device fail- | mouse failure. | mouse controller or key- |
ure. Verify |
| board is attached to the |
that mouse and |
| mouse connector. |
keyboard are |
securely |
attached to |
connectors. |