Braun MCA166-USB user manual 2 ADC

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1.Successive approximation ADC with sliding scale linearisation

Channel splitting 128, 256, 512, 1K, 2K, or 4K

Full input voltage range 3V, positive and negative (10V with external attenuator)

2.ADC Dead time (including time needed to write into memory)

< 8 µsec


Differential nonlinearity (over 95% channel range) <2%

Integral nonlinearity (over 95% channel range) <0.1%

4.Peak capturing

Works with pulse of gaussian shaping amplifier (range of shaping time constant between 0.5µs and 5µs)

5.Temperature Stability

TK 100 (ADC), TK 500 (Amplifier)

6.Discriminators and threshold

Digital LLD and ULD (allows channelwise cutting)

Analogue threshold (2...60% of ADC range)

Multi Channel Scaling (MCS) mode allowing to count the following pulses

TTL input pulses (minimum width of flat top 0.2µs) not routed through the ADC (maximum rate 1 MHz)

LLD/ULD counting mode, counting pulses within a preset digital window

Count rate derived from internal amplifier ICR signal (maximum count rate determined by count rate limitation of amplifier )

Dwell time 0.01s to 500s

7.Spectrometric performance:

Resolution (FWHM) for typical 500mm² planar HPGe detector for count rates < 10000cps and a Co-57 source at 122keV:

610±20eV at 1µs shaping time

580±20eV at 2µs shaping time

Peak shift:

< 0.5% for 1µs shaping time and count rates from 1000 to 70000cps

< 0.2% for 2µs shaping time and count rates from 1000 to 40000cps

deterioration of FWHM < 5% for both conditions

Throughput in memory:

at least 25000cps in memory at 50000cps input rate and 1µs shaping time

at least 13000cps in memory at 30000cps input rate and 2µs shaping time


Image 17
Contents MCA166-USB Exclusion of liability MCA166-USBTable of Contents Appendix Introduction General Description Users safety informationHardware Switching on Power managementCharging the MCA166-USB Connecting the MCA166-USB to a ComputerConnection of detectors Overview Additional external battery pack and Power PackSoftware MCS MS-DOS, WinMCS Windows Spec MS-DOS, WinSPEC WindowsU235 MS-DOS, WinU235 Windows UF6 MS-DOS, WinUF6Identify RateWinSCAN Source Target MCAPlot and MCAPrintMiscellaneous MCA166-USB parameters for use with different detectorsIsotope Half-life Energy keV Branching ratio % Some of the most important photon energiesAmplifier Technical DataMCA166-USB Hardware Specifications 2 ADC Battery Power supplyPreamplifier Voltages High VoltageEnvironmental ratings Mechanical specificationComputer Interface Block Diagram of the MCA166-USB Diagrams and pin connectionsHV-Inhibit mode2 Contact SignalContact Voltage Max. Current Troubleshooting Page MCA166-USB File Content Explanation $ROI File Content ExplanationFile Content Explanation $ENERFIT $SPECREM$PRESETS File Content $ADC$FASTDISCR 400 $SLOWDISCR $INPUT$MCSCHANNELS $POWERSTATE$MCSINPUT $MCSTIME$RECERRORCOUNTER File Content Explanation $RECCOUNTERFile Content Explanation $WINSPECINFO $SPECINTEGRALIcod Analysiscsratio$WINSPECINFO Analysismga$WINSCANINFO File Content Explanation $UF6INSPINFOOUT LOT LOT ID MBAMBA LOT LOT ID File Content Explanation $INSPINFOArea and the Area Uncertainty Function Appendix 2 MCA166-USB algorithm, formulasSmooth CentroidStrip Appendix 3 Description of the communication DLLs8 MCA166-USB A3.1.3 Functions to work with the MCA Mmcastartacquire MmcaresetMmcasetmodemcs MmcasetmodemcaMmcaclearmemory MmcacleartimeMmcasetpresetlivetime MmcasetpresetnoneMmcasetpresetrealtime MmcasetpresetintegralMmcasetroi MmcasetadcresdiscrMmcasetrepeat MmcasetmcschannelMmcasetmcsinputdiscr MmcasetmcsinputicrMmcasetmcsinputttl Mmcasetmcainputamplifierpos MmcasetgainMmcasetmcainputamplifierneg MmcasetmcainputdirectposMmcasetshapingtimelow MmcasetthresholdMmcasetshapingtimehigh MmcasetpileuprejectionMmcasetslow MmcasetfastMMCASETPZCMANUAL18 MMCASETPZCVALUE19Mmcasetstabilisation MmcasetpreamplifierpowerMmcasetstabparam MmcasethighvoltagesMMCASETUF6ROIS MmcasettdfMmcasetuserdata Mmcaqueryuserdata Contents of the Mmca User Date memory21Page Mmcaquerypower Mcastabresult STABSTARTED, Stabactive MmcaquerystateMcamode MODEMCA, Modemcs Mcainputadc Adcamplifier ADC Directpos Adcdirectneg STABIDLE, StaberrorMcainputpol Inputpolaritypositive Inputpolaritynegative DTCMmcaquerysystemdata MMCAQUERYIMAGE36 Mmcaqueryenrichment MmcaqueryspectraMMCAQUERYUF6ROIS MMCAQUERYUF6INFOMmcaquerycentroid MmcaqueryonlineMmcaqueryvoltagecurrent Cmdstart CmdinitCmdstop StatestopModemca Modemcs CmdsetmodeCmdclear Clearmemory = Cleartime Clearroi ClearallPresetnone Presetreal Presetlive Presetint Presetarea CmdsetpresetsCmdsetadcresdiscr LLD, ULDCmdsettimeperchannel CmdsetrepeatCmdsetmcschannel Cmdsetmcainput CmdsetgainCmdsetinputpolarity Cmdsetshapingtime CmdsetmcsinputCmdsetthreshold Cmdsetslow CmdsetpurCmdsetfast Cmdsetpzctimeoffset CmdsetpzcCmdsetstabparam Cmdsetbias CmdsetpreamplifierpowerCmdsetuserdata CmdsettdfCMDSETUF6ROI Cmdquerystate CmdquerypowerCmdqueryspectra CmdqueryimageCmdquerycentroid CmdqueryuserdataCmdsystemdata CMDQUERYUF6ROIS CmdqueryenrichmentAppendix 5 Changing the MCA166-USB Firmware

MCA166-USB specifications

The Braun MCA166-USB is a compact and versatile charging device designed for modern lifestyles. This product expertly combines functionality with portability, making it an essential accessory for people on the go. One of the key features of the Braun MCA166-USB is its dual charging capability. It comes equipped with multiple USB ports, allowing users to charge various devices simultaneously, from smartphones to tablets. This multi-device functionality eliminates the need for multiple chargers cluttering your workspace or travel bag.

The device supports fast charging technology, which is particularly beneficial for users who need quick power boosts. With a maximum output of 2.4A per port, the Braun MCA166-USB ensures that your devices are energized swiftly, reducing downtime and keeping you connected during busy days. Additionally, the device is compatible with a wide range of charging protocols, offering versatility for different brands and models.

The Braun MCA166-USB features an intelligent charging system that recognizes the connected device and delivers the optimal charging current. This not only enhances the efficiency of charging but also protects your devices from any potential damage caused by overcharging.

Constructed with a sleek and sturdy design, the Braun MCA166-USB is not just about functionality; it is also aesthetically pleasing. Its compact size makes it perfect for portability, easily fitting into a pocket or small bag. The durability of the materials used ensures that the charger withstands the rigors of travel while remaining stylish.

Another highlight of the Braun MCA166-USB is its safety features. It incorporates multiple protection mechanisms, including short-circuit prevention and temperature control, ensuring a safe charging environment for your devices.

In summary, the Braun MCA166-USB emerges as an innovative solution for those seeking a reliable charging option. Its robust features, such as dual USB ports, fast charging capabilities, intelligent charging control, and safety measures, make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to stay powered up while balancing a busy lifestyle. With its sleek design and durable construction, the Braun MCA166-USB undoubtedly stands out as a multifaceted charging device for the modern user.