V B R I C K E T H E R N E T V S E T T O P B O X U S E R S G U I D EV E R S I O N 3 . 6 . 9
Local Mode
Watch Television
The administrator can set a default |
channel to be viewed when the unit |
is powered on through the web |
browser interface in Configuration | 2 |
Options. This is done by setting the | 1 |
receive address or URL in the Video |
Setup Configurations. Please refer |
to the Administrator Settings in the |
Chapter Two of this document. |
To watch the programmed channel, |
use the IR remote control unit to |
Watch TV c and use the left button |
to select. | 3 |
Full Screen |
To set the video to full screen, start |
the video in the Preview Window d. |
Use the button with the outward | 5 |
facing arrows below the window e to |
select Stop, or Full Screen mode or |
use the IR remote control unit to position the cursor over the button and use the Left IR remote control button to select.
Use the IR remote control unit to position the cursor over top portion of the screen until the control bar appears g. Position the cursor, using the IR remote control unit, over the button with the inward facing arrows and use the Left IR remote control button to select. To stop the video, select the square .
In order to leave one stream selection and choose another, it is necessary to first stop the video.
When playing a new stream, the last frame of the previous stream persists for a few seconds.
C O P Y R I G H T V B R I C K S Y S T E M S | P A G E 1 9 | N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 0 3 |