V B R I C K E T H E R N E T V S E T T O P B O X U S E R S G U I D E | V E R S I O N 3 . 6 . 9 |
MCS Mode
Watch Television
The Watch Television menu displays a list of multicast streams. Unless there is a channel assigned (see next section), the list is in alphabetical order and contains brief information about the program.
Select Channel – Use the handheld IR remote control to position the cursor over the Scroll Up and Down selections c. The single arrow makes the menu scroll slow; the double arrow makes it scroll faster. Once the stream is selected, using the left IR remote control button, video will play in the Preview Window d.
Play Control – To Stop, Start and Pause the video, use the buttons on the bottom of the preview window e or use the buttons along the top of the IR remote control unit.
NOTE: Video must be playing before control buttons on the IR remote control unit or on the screen can be used.
3 | 5 |
| |
4 |
Full screen
Channel Assignments – If the entry has been assigned a specific channel assignment, it will appear to the left of the text f. Channel assignments are made in MCS administration. For more information, please refer to the MCS Users Guide.
Full Screen Mode – Once the clip has begun playing, Full Screen
mode can be selected by positioning
the IR remote control cursor over the select Full Screen icon, and using the remote control left mouse to select g.
Exit Full Screen Mode – To exit full screen, use the IR remote control to position the cursor over the lower portion of the screen until the toolbar h appears. Select Exit Full Screen.
C O P Y R I G H T V B R I C K S Y S T E M S | P A G E 2 4 | N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 0 3 |