Keyspan:High Speed USB Serial Adapter for Mac
5.1.a - Keyspan Manager
The Keyspan Manager window allows you to modify characteristics of your Keyspan serial port(s). You should only change settings in this window if you are sure that you specifically need to change them.
To open the Keyspan Manager, click the "Advanced Settings" button in the
Keyspan Serial Assistant control panel (located in your Control Panels folder (located in your hard drive's System Folder)). This will open the Keyspan Manager window.
the Keyspan Manager window
Explanation of Manager Features
The following is a description of all the relevant text boxes and menus found in the Keyspan Manager. You can also obtain this information by selecting 'Show Balloons' in the Help menu and moving the cursor over any item in the Manager.
Keyspan Manager Window
The Unit popup menu is used to select which Keyspan Adapter you would like to configure. The available items in this menu will correspond to the physical location of any High Speed USB Serial Adapter (or adapters) that has been installed in your computer.
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan High Speed USB Serial Adapter Software for Mac OS.
(rev 02may12JA)
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