ESC -- quit the keyboard programming program
F1 -- get help on command list
F3 -- enter the configuration screen
F5 -- enter ASCII-code editing mode
F8 -- enter scan-code editing mode
F10 -- quit the keyboard programming program
Ins -- toggle insert/overwrite status for editing (default = insert)
Del -- delete the content of the key where cursor stays
Home -- go to column A of same page same row
End -- go to column I of same page same row
PgUp -- go to one page less in cyclic manner
PgDn -- go to one page next in cyclic manner
Up arrow -- move cursor to one row up in cyclic manner Down arrow -- move cursor to one row down in cyclic manner Left arrow -- move cursor to one column left in cyclic manner Right arrow -- move cursor to one column right in cyclic manner
ENTER -- enter ASCII-code editing mode, but if the last edit of the key was in scan- code mode then this means enter scan-code editing mode.
Alt-A-- enter ASCII-code editing mode
Alt-C-- copy the key content of a key or contents of the keys in a page to buffer Alt-E– erase the current page or all pages
Alt-G-- enter the configuration page
Alt-L-- load key definitions from a disk file
Alt-M--enter multi-level shift marker
Alt-N-- enter scan-code editing mode
Alt-O-- load key definitions from a disk file
Alt-P-- paste the buffer content to key definition
Alt-R-- read key definitions from the programmable keyboard
Alt-S-- save key definitions to a disk file
Alt-T– toggle key-content format between page-wise and column-wise Alt-U-- recover key definition before last change