User Guide
Login Action:
The VOIP ATA provides a
•Display: This is the default option; selection of this option will display the selected login details after clicking on the Submit button.
•Add: Selection of the Add option adds a new login account after clicking on the Submit button according to the value that appears in the New Account Name field (which must not be empty).
•Edit: Selection of edit option will overwrite the selected login’s (in the Login List field) parameters with the current parameters displayed on the web page. The New Login field is optional and it needs to be filled only when the login account name also has to be changed.
•Delete: Selection of Delete option will delete the selected Login Account from the Login Account List.
Submit Changes:
Clicking on this button will save settings to the board RAM. In order to save changes permanently to the firmware and to make them effective, the setting should be saved by going to the Save Settings/Reboot web.
1)The above parameters are Service Provider specific and are reflected for the Service Provider that was shown as selected in the VOIP ATA index webpage before arriving through the link Update User Login Account Configuration.
2)The maximum number of login accounts you can add is 4 per service provider and there must be at least 1 login account per service provider available.
User Guide |