9400 Series Programmer's Manual
This graphic data stream generates the letter A from the grid earlier in this section. The format and batch data streams to print a sample tag follow the graphic data stream.
{G1,0,0,0,0 p ;dHsHd p ;dHsHd p ;dHsHd p ;eGsGe p ;eHqHe p ;fGqGf p ;fHoHf p ;fHoHf p ;gGoGg p ;gHmHg p ;hGMGh p ;hGMGh p ;hGMGh p ;iFMFi p ;iFMFi p ;jEMEj p ;jEMEj p ;jEMEj p ;kHgHk p ;kHgHk p ;lGgGl p ;lHeHl p ;lHeHl p ;mGeGm p ;mGeGm p ;nGcGn p ;nGcGn p ;nGcGn p ;oFcFo p ;oGaGo p ;pFaFp p ;pFAFp p ;qEAEq p ;qEAEq p ;qEAEq p ;rDADr p ;rDADr p ;sCACs p ;sCACs p ;sCACs p ;tBABt p ;tBABt p ;uCu p ;uCu p ;uCu p
;vAv p