English |
| Symptom | Possible Cause | What To Do |
| UPS will not turn on | On/Off/Test button not | Press and release the On/Off/ |
| pushed | Test button to start UPS |
| UPS operates in | Input AC circuit breaker is | Reset circuit breaker by |
| battery mode only, | tripped | pressing the plunger back in. |
| even though there |
| If the AC circuit breaker trips |
| is normal AC |
| after UPS starts up, reduce |
| present |
| the load on the UPS |
| Fault LED is | UPS has detected an | Call for service |
| illuminated | internal fault |
| Site Wiring Fault | Incorrect service wiring | Have a Qualified Electrician |
| LED is illuminated |
| correct the service wiring |
| The AC normal | The UPS is being | Disconnect the computer |
| LED is illuminated, | controlled via its | cable from the UPS and press |
| but there is no out- | communications port | the On button. If UPS works |
| put |
| normally, the software has |
| control of the UPS |
| UPS does not | The batteries may be weak | Charge the batteries for 8- |
| provide expected | or at the end of useful | hours and retest. If the runtime |
| runtime | service life | is still less than expected, the |
| batteries may need to be |
| replaced, even though the |
| Weak/Bad Battery LED is not |
| illuminated |
| Weak/Bad Battery | Loose connections at the | Check battery connections, |
| LED is illuminated | batteries, Weak batteries, | charge the batteries for 8- |
| Bad batteries | hours, replace the batteries |
| UPS occasionally | Normal operation | The UPS is performing its |
| emits a beep |
| intended function |
| Overload LED is | The load has exceeded the | Check the specifications (see |
| illuminated and a | UPS's capacity | section 8). Remove part of |
| constant alarm |
| the load |
| The Boost LED or | The UPS is in either the | The UPS is performing its |
| Buck LED is blink- | Boost mode or the Buck | intended function |
| ing. | mode |