determines the frequency and duration of the internal buzzer beep as response to touch on touch panel.
ŸTouch Point Dots – This list button selects the size of touch point on touch panel. A too small touch size makes the mouse cursor jumpy or even bouncing. A too large touch size results in unsatisfactory touch accuracy.
ŸReset To Default – This button resets all touch parameters.
ŸEnable PIR – This check box is not applicable to the monitor. Please keep it unchecked.
ŸEnable Touch – This check box must be checked to have the touch panel working.
ŸTouch as Right Button Click – This check box defines each touch on touch panel as clicking the right button of mouse at that point. When it is unchecked, each touch will work as clicking the left button of mouse. (Ref. to the right hand version of mouse)
ŸMouse Emulation/Click on Touch/Click on Release – Only one of the three radio buttons can be selected. The mouse emulation refers to the drag and drop function.
ŸOK – This button accepts all parameters set and closes the utility window.
ŸApply – This button accepts all parameters set and remains in the utility window.
ŸCancel – This button discards all changes to the parameters and closes the utility window.
b.USB touch calibrator
This program helps
c.USB touch edge acceleration tool
Helps to find the hidden taskbar or thin scroll bar through touch
ŸEnable ... – Each check box determines whether or not to engage edge acceleration against which edge of screen.
ŸMargin – This list button selects the range to engage edge acceleration toward the edge before the edge is reached.
ŸCompensation – This list button selects the distance to advance the mouse toward edge from touch point.
d.USB touch right button tool
This tool differs slightly from the “Touch as Right Button Click” check box in the USB touch manager. When executed, there will be a small window of “One Shot Right Button” appearing on desktop. Any touch on the panel right after touching this small window will work like clicking the right button
Part 7