Line 6 M13 manual Looper Tutorial

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Looper Details

Looper Tutorial

If you’re new to loopers, here’s a basic example of how you might use the M13 Looper along with your live guitar. We’ll step thru the recording of a loop, add an overdub or two, use Half Speed and Reverse, and demonstrate how Pre/Post has an effect on the mix.

Start by selecting one of your favorite Scenes. For this example, make sure you’re in Momentary Scene mode by first pressing and holding the Looper Controls switch. Now check the third LCD and make sure MOMEN SCENE is displayed in the lower center. If it’s set to LATCH SCENE, turn Knob 4, bottom row center, to toggle it to MOMEN SCENE.

Now step on the Scenes switch and you’ll see the names of all 12 Scenes in the LCDs. Select one by stepping on the appropriate switch, and you’ll see the loaded FX models for

4•4 that Scene displayed in the 4 LCDs. Play your guitar to make sure you’re happy with the sound. When you’re ready, step on the Looper Controls switch, then follow these steps:

Step on the Record switch and play. Make sure you hit the downbeat accurately, so that when you play back the loop it will start exactly on the beat. This is especially important if you want the loop to be rhythmically correct when it cycles around.

When you reach a good out point, step on the Play switch. This will take your new loop out of record and immediately play it back. Let it loop around a few times, and see if sounds good. If it doesn’t sync quite right, press Stop then record a new take.

If you’re happy with your loop, decide what you’d like to play as an overdub. Jam along with your loop a few times in Play mode, then when you’re ready to layer an overdub, step on the Overdub switch and play your part. Finish it up before the loop cycles around again, then press Stop to exit Overdub mode.

Press Play and listen to your loop. You should hear your original guitar part plus your overdub. As it plays, press the Half Speed switch. You’ll hear your loop an octave lower, at half its normal speed. Press Half Speed again to return to normal speed.

As your loop continues to play, press the Reverse switch. You’ll hear your loop play backwards. As an experiment, let it roll and hit the Overdub switch. Play for the duration of your loop then hit Stop. (You might also try this with Half Speed)

Hit the Reverse switch to exit, then press Play. You’ll hear your initial loop and your first overdub as originally recorded, while your second overdub will play in reverse.

Toggle the Pre/Post switch, and you’ll hear your loop play back with and without your current Scene’s FX applied to the loop. Jam along with live guitar.

This should demonstrate a few of the possibilities. Feel free to experiment on your own.

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Contents M13 Stompbox Modeler Please Note M13 Advanced Guide Table of Contents Delay Models Page Setup Details Setup ModeTuner Expression Pedals Looper Levels & EQPreferences ScenesFactory Reset FX LoopMidi Backup Global Noise GateDisplays Page Fine-Tune Mode Model DetailsTap-based FX Model Defaults DryThru ModelsMix Expression Pedal Details Tube Compressor ModelPage Momentary Scene Mode Latch Scene ModeScenes Details Autosave Manual SaveScene Setup Effect CopyPage Looper Details Looper & Live GuitarMidi CC Reference Table Looper Control Expression Pedal ControlLooper Controls Looper Details Looper Tutorial Delay Models Delay Models Reference Table Controls & ParametersParameter Details Tube Echo & Tube Echo DryThru Tape Echo & Tape Echo DryThruMulti Head Multi-HeadAnalog Echo Analog With ModulationLo Res Delay Sweep Echo & Sweep Echo DryThruDigital Delay Digital Delay With ModulationStereo Delay Ping PongDynamic Delay ReverseAuto Volume Echo Echo Platter & Echo Platter DryThruPage Modulation Models Modulation Models Reference Table Controls & ParametersOpto Tremolo Bias TremoloPhaser Dual PhaserPanned Phaser VibeAnalog Flange Jet FlangerAnalog Chorus Tri ChorusPitch Vibrato PannerRotary Drum Rotary Drum/HornDimension Ring ModulatorPage Distortion Models Distortion Models Reference Table Controls & ParametersTube Drive ScreamerOverdrive Classic Distortion Heavy DistortionColordrive Buzz Saw Facial FuzzJumbo Fuzz Fuzz PiJet Fuzz Line 6 DriveLine 6 Distortion Sub Octave Fuzz Octave FuzzBoost Comp Volume Pedal Red CompBlue Comp Blue Comp TrebVetta Comp Vetta JuiceTube Comp Noise GateFilter Models Filter Models Reference Table Controls & ParametersTron Down Tron UpTron Down Tron UpSeeker Obi-WahObi Wah Voice Box Voice BoxTron TronThrobber Spin CycleThrobber Spin CycleComet Trails Slow FilterComet Trails Slow FilterOctisynth Synth O MaticOctisynth Attack Synth Synth StringAttack Synth Synth StringGrowler FilterGrowler FilterReverb Models Reverb Models Reference Table Controls & Parameters‘63 Spring SpringPlate RoomChamber HallDucking OctoCave TileEcho Appendix a Reference Midi ControlLooper & Expression Pedals FX On/Off Toggle Scene SelectBPM / Milliseconds BPMPage Appendix B Tips Midi DumpsSaving Scenes Internally Recalling The Current SceneFlash Memory Update Instructions NeededAdditional Info For Windows/MIDI Ox Users Procedure Backup Tip For Mac Users