A p p e n d i x E
LAN Bypass Function
The bypass function is used to link (or short) two indepent ehernet ports when the system crash or power off. That means if there are some condition in your system, with LAN Bypass function, it will not interrupt you network traffic.
There are two communications states for the bypass function, one is Normal state and another is Bypass state. Lanner provide three states to enable LAN Bypass function.
1.When the system power off, it will be forced to enable the LAN Bypass function.
2.Customer can enable/disable LAN Bypass function via programming Intel 6300ESB GPIO 19..
3.A watchdog timer(WDT) can be used to control LAN bypass function via programming Intel 6300ESB GPIO18.
Please reference the Intel 6300ESB datasheet in Manual/Driver CD. The Path is under //LAN_Bypass. Lanner also provide the sample code for customer reference.
With LAN Bypass Function