When you select the “CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP” on the main program, the screen display will appears as:
Chipset Features Setup Screen
Spread Spectrum: Enable/Disable to reduce the EMI of your motherboard by modulating the signals it generates so that the spikes are reduced to flatter curves. It achieves this by varying the frequency slightly so that the signal does not use any particular frequency for more than a moment
DRAM Timing Selectable: To set DRAM Timing by SPD(auto) or by Manual.
CAS latency Time: Control the delay (in clock cycles) between the assertion of the CAS signal and the availability of the data from the target memory cell.
DRAM RAS Precharge: To set the number of cycles required for the RAS to accumulate its charge before another row can be activated.
Precharge Delay(TRAS): To set the number of cycles required for the RAS to accumulate its charge before another row can be activated.
System Memory Frequency: To set Memory frequency by AUTO detect or manual.
SLP_S4# Assertion Width: Set SLP_S4# pin width to
PCI Express Root Port Function: Press Enter then will display screen as
below: Control PCIE Port as Auto, Enable or Disable. And