Starter Kit Instruction Manual | Appendix | 58 |
•As a rule of thumb, the overall dissipated power (sum of DC Bias current dissipation and pulse current dissipation) must never be higher than the average dissipated power given by the high- est current / voltage / temperature combina- tion specified in the datasheet.
Take into account that the average dissipated power for a given pulse current I, pulse voltage U, and duty cycle d is given by d x I x U, whereas the dissipated power due to a Bias current IB is given by IB x U. (U is the voltage on the laser, but it is safe for this calculation of Bias current dissipation to use the voltage on the LDD pulser input.)
Current and voltage ranges of the Bias-T cir- cuit
Since the input stage of the
The monitor output (if available) allows mea- surement of applied DC Bias current: Its volt- age divided by 10OΩ gives Bias current. In general, Bias current can be in the range of 0.1A, but this must be checked with Alpes Lasers SA before.