Printronix ANSI Printer manual Proprinter And Epson Vertical Tab Table, VFU Characteristics

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Chapter 3 Proprinter And Epson Vertical Tab Table

VFU Characteristics

Keep in mind the following information when programming and using a VFU:

Elongated Characters. You can use elongated (double high) characters in VFU programs. The VFU automatically counts one line of elongated characters as two character lines.

VFU Not Loaded. If the VFU is not loaded, the printer performs a single line feed in response to VFU commands.

Paper Runaway Protection. If the VFU memory is loaded and a channel code is sent that was not previously loaded, the printer moves the paper a single line feed.

Line Spacing. The printer can use either 6 or 8 lines per inch (lpi) spacing. These VFUs calculate the forms length by line density selected. The 6 and 8 lpi spacing may be mixed on the same form, but should be done carefully.

Form Feed. A form feed sent from the control panel or a command from the host moves the paper to the first channel 1, which is the top of form.

Vertical Tab. A VT command moves the paper to the next channel 12. If a channel 12 is not loaded, a line feed will occur.

Proprinter And Epson Vertical Tab Table

The IBM Proprinter III XL and the Epson FX-1050 emulations each contain a vertical tab table. It is a set of programmed vertical tabs. Various lines of the form are assigned vertical tabs, which are then accessed by control code for rapid paper advancement to the tab position.

Two control codes are used for vertical tabbing: ESC B sets single channel vertical tabs, and VT executes a vertical tab. The Epson emulation also has ESC / to select one of eight tab channels and ESC b to set the tabs in a particular channel.

Executing Vertical Tabs

The vertical tab execute code is VT. If there is any data in the print buffer, it is printed and the paper moves to the next predefined vertical tab position. If a tab position is not defined, the paper is moved to the next line at the current line spacing. If a tab position is at the current line, the paper is moved to the next tab position. If no tab positions are defined between the current line and the end of the form, the paper moves to the next TOF.

Vertical Tab Positions

Vertical tab positions are set by line number. A maximum of 16 vertical tab positions can be set on the form. A sample format is shown in Figure 4.

The first vertical tab is set at line 6 for part number data, a second tab is set at line 8 for part name data, and a third tab is set at line 14 for quantity data. The ESC B code assigns the vertical tabs to the lines of the form. Once the tab positions are set, sending the vertical tab execute code (VT) causes the paper


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Contents Programmer’s Reference Manual Page Ansi Printers Trademark Acknowledgements Trademark AcknowledgementsCopyright  1998, 2002 Printronix, Inc Table of Contents Table of Contents Vertical Page FormattingConversion Tables Glossary Table of Contents Software Features About This ManualRelated Product Information AudienceInstalling Printer Emulations Installing Printer EmulationsDownloading Software Through the Serial or Parallel Port Downloading Software Through the Serial or Parallel PortDebug Navigating to the Appropriate Emulation File on the CD This is the file you will download into the printerCd \downloadEnter Downloading Software Through Network Interface Card NIC Downloading Software Through the Network Interface Card NIC This is the file you will download into the NICDownloading Optional Font Files to Flash Memory Put filename.prgEnterDownloading Optional Font Files to Flash Memory Copy /b filename.dwn LPT2EnterCopy /b filename1.dwn+filename2.dwn+...LPT1Enter Flash Memory Message Guide Flash Memory Message GuideMessage Explanation Required Action Error Program not Error Security PALError Short AT Error Writing toFlash Memory Message Guide Explanation Required Action Installing Printer Emulations Ansi Emulation Default Settings OverviewCPI LPICR = CR CPI Configuring The Ansi Emulation Configuring The Ansi EmulationControl Codes DC3 Device Control-3 13H Control CodesFormat For Control Code Descriptions Escape Control Codes Overview Format For Control Code DescriptionsGraphics Commands Vertical Formatting CommandsControl Codes Index Character Sets, International Character Sets, InternationalAscii Code ESC p1 Hex Code 1B 5B p1 Dec Code 27 91 p1 Ansi International Character SetsISO Italian Expanded Mode Expanded ModeAscii Code ESC p1p2 SP B Forms Length, Top Margin, Bottom Margin Ascii Code ESC p1p2p3 rGraphic Rendition Graphic RenditionAscii Code ESC m Character Types and Enhancements ParameterLine Spacing Margins, Left and Right Margins, Left and RightAscii Code ESC p1p2 s Private Mode, Disable Private Mode, EnableProportional Print Mode Resetting ResettingHardcoded Reset Values Ascii Code ESC c Hex Code Dec CodeSubscript SuperscriptTab, Clear Tab Set, Multiple Horizontal Terminate Loading of Data Vertical Position AbsoluteVertical Position Relative Graphics Dot Patterns And DensitiesDot Patterns And Densities 0X0X0X0 LSB LSB Msbx MSBGraphics Ascii Character Dot Patterns Hex Dots 654321Horizontal Format Vertical FormatHorizontal Format Ascii Character Dot Patterns Hex Dots Horizontal Format Byte → Byte n Row ↓Other Graphics Considerations Dot GraphicsRepeat Graphics Character Select Graphics Mode Setting Bar Code Parameters Default Bar Code ParametersBar Codes Entering And Exiting Bar CodesSetting Bar Code Parameters P1 ValuesIf p1 = Style UPC aBar Codes P1 Values PostnetP9 Values Rotation/FontHuman Readable Line HRL Spacing Between Bar CodesBar Code Readers Bar Code ReadersTest Program Vertical Bar CodesVertical Bar Codes Oversize Character Font Option Entering And Exiting OversizeOversize Character Font Option Selecting Size Selecting SizeOversize Character Font Option Vertical Page Formatting Planning a Vertical Page FormatVFU Characteristics Proprinter And Epson Vertical Tab TableExecuting Vertical Tabs Vertical Tab PositionsVertical Tab Positions Form Data Form Line Number Vertical TabsSeries Evfu Start Load Code 1E or 6E HexChannel Assignment End Load 1F or 6F HexUsing The Evfu Using The EvfuSeries Evfu Codes PI Line Enabled Data Bits Hex Dec Code ChannelSeries Evfu Series Evfu Codes PI Line Enabled Series Evfu Codes PI Line Disabled or Not UsedDLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB Can SUB ESCClearing The Evfu Memory Relative Line SlewingData Bits Hex Dec Code Channel End Load Ansi Evfu Series Evfu Line Slewing Data Bits Lines Hex Dec CodeDLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB Can SUB ESC Loading the Table Loading the TableAscii Code ESC Hex Code 1B 5D Dec Code 27 93 Two Byte Channel Control Code FormatAnsi Evfu Channel Control Codes Decimal Value Binary ValueRemarks CharacterDefault Default Evfu TableDescription Skip to Channel Command Ansi Evfu Default Evfu Table Channel DescriptionDownloading The Evfu Using The PI Line Downloading The Evfu Using The PI LineSkip To Channel Example Program Instruction Remarks Output Ansi Evfu Two Byte Channel Control Code Format Skip to Channel Command Ansi Evfu Standard Ascii Character Set Appendix a Equivalent Columns Conversion Table Inches 13.3 16.7Appendix B Decipoints for Column vs. CPI ValuesMargin CPI Column 111 Margin CPI Column Appendix B Margin Column CPI Appendix B Acia AsciiCharacter weight, as shown in this sentence For example Bold refers to a heavy or thickCPU CT+CTA CTS CvfuDavfu DCDDSR DTRDvfu EbcdicFifo HGS IeeeIGP LAC LCDLED MPLNack NLQNvfu NvramPAL PCBPcba PGLPOR PSARAM ROMRTS SAASCS Sfcc SLDSNA SOHTOF TTLUPC UsetOFF 100 Diagnostics Passed AnsiError Occurred / Flushing QUEUES*, 20 ESC Sequence Please WAIT... 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