Printronix ANSI Printer manual Configuring The Ansi Emulation, Control Codes

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Chapter 2 Configuring The ANSI Emulation

Configuring The ANSI Emulation

Control codes transmit information other than printable characters to the printer. They occupy the first 32 locations on the ASCII code chart (shown in Appendix A) and are represented by two- or three-letter abbreviations. The control code LF (decimal 10, hex 0A), for example, is usually interpreted as a line feed. The response of the printer to other control codes will depend on the emulation.

NOTE: Commands and control codes sent from a host system generally override previous settings that result from the configuration menus. However, any configuration settings from host control codes will be gone once the printer is powered off (or reset to the default values), unless you have saved them to memory using the configuration menus. The User’s Manual describes the configuration menu option for saving changes.

Control Codes

ACK (Acknowledge 06H)

A received ACK is ignored. A transmitted ACK is used as part of the serial interface ETX/ACK protocol. Upon the end of transmission of a block of data terminated with an ETX, the host stops sending data until the printer interface sends an ACK back to the host.

BEL (Bell 07H)

Receipt of a BEL code causes the beeper to sound for approximately 1 second.

BS (Backspace 08H)

A BS permits overprinting of characters. This command moves the character position one character width to the left. If the current print position is at column one, this command is ignored.

CR (Carriage Return 0DH)

If configured CR=CR+LF, the line will print, the paper will advance to the next line, and the print position will move to column one.

If configured CR=CR, the print position is set at column one of the current line. Any subsequent printable data preceding a paper motion command will overstrike previously printed data. If it is set to ignore by the panel, then the CR will be ignored.

DC1 (Device Control-1 11H)

Switches the printer from local to on-line mode and enables the printer to receive data. If the serial interface is selected, DC1 acts as a data stream control code. When the buffer is empty, the printer will send a DC1 (XON) to the host computer, which will send data to the printer until the printer sends a DC3 (XOFF) to the host computer.


Image 26
Contents Programmer’s Reference Manual Page Ansi Printers Copyright  1998, 2002 Printronix, Inc Trademark AcknowledgementsTrademark Acknowledgements Table of Contents Table of Contents Vertical Page FormattingConversion Tables Glossary Table of Contents Related Product Information Software FeaturesAbout This Manual AudienceInstalling Printer Emulations Installing Printer EmulationsDebug Downloading Software Through the Serial or Parallel PortDownloading Software Through the Serial or Parallel Port Navigating to the Appropriate Emulation File on the CD This is the file you will download into the printerCd \downloadEnter Downloading Software Through Network Interface Card NIC Downloading Software Through the Network Interface Card NIC This is the file you will download into the NICDownloading Optional Font Files to Flash Memory Put filename.prgEnterDownloading Optional Font Files to Flash Memory Copy /b filename.dwn LPT2EnterCopy /b filename1.dwn+filename2.dwn+...LPT1Enter Message Explanation Required Action Flash Memory Message GuideFlash Memory Message Guide Error Short AT Error Program notError Security PAL Error Writing toFlash Memory Message Guide Explanation Required Action Installing Printer Emulations Ansi Emulation Default Settings OverviewCR = CR CPILPI CPI Control Codes Configuring The Ansi EmulationConfiguring The Ansi Emulation DC3 Device Control-3 13H Control CodesFormat For Control Code Descriptions Escape Control Codes Overview Format For Control Code DescriptionsControl Codes Index Graphics CommandsVertical Formatting Commands Ascii Code ESC p1 Hex Code 1B 5B p1 Dec Code 27 91 p1 Character Sets, InternationalCharacter Sets, International Ansi International Character SetsISO Italian Ascii Code ESC p1p2 SP B Expanded ModeExpanded Mode Forms Length, Top Margin, Bottom Margin Ascii Code ESC p1p2p3 rAscii Code ESC m Graphic RenditionGraphic Rendition Character Types and Enhancements ParameterLine Spacing Ascii Code ESC p1p2 s Margins, Left and RightMargins, Left and Right Proportional Print Mode Private Mode, DisablePrivate Mode, Enable Hardcoded Reset Values ResettingResetting Ascii Code ESC c Hex Code Dec CodeTab, Clear SubscriptSuperscript Tab Set, Multiple Horizontal Vertical Position Relative Terminate Loading of DataVertical Position Absolute Dot Patterns And Densities GraphicsDot Patterns And Densities 0X0X0X0 LSB LSB Msbx MSBGraphics Ascii Character Dot Patterns Hex Dots 654321Horizontal Format Ascii Character Dot Patterns Hex Dots Horizontal FormatVertical Format Horizontal Format Byte → Byte n Row ↓Repeat Graphics Character Other Graphics ConsiderationsDot Graphics Select Graphics Mode Bar Codes Setting Bar Code ParametersDefault Bar Code Parameters Entering And Exiting Bar CodesIf p1 = Style Setting Bar Code ParametersP1 Values UPC aBar Codes P1 Values PostnetP9 Values Rotation/FontHuman Readable Line HRL Spacing Between Bar CodesBar Code Readers Bar Code ReadersTest Program Vertical Bar CodesVertical Bar Codes Oversize Character Font Option Oversize Character Font OptionEntering And Exiting Oversize Selecting Size Selecting SizeOversize Character Font Option Vertical Page Formatting Planning a Vertical Page FormatExecuting Vertical Tabs VFU CharacteristicsProprinter And Epson Vertical Tab Table Vertical Tab PositionsVertical Tab Positions Form Data Form Line Number Vertical TabsChannel Assignment Series EvfuStart Load Code 1E or 6E Hex End Load 1F or 6F HexSeries Evfu Codes PI Line Enabled Using The EvfuUsing The Evfu Data Bits Hex Dec Code ChannelDLE Series Evfu Series Evfu Codes PI Line EnabledSeries Evfu Codes PI Line Disabled or Not Used DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB Can SUB ESCData Bits Hex Dec Code Channel End Load Clearing The Evfu MemoryRelative Line Slewing DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB Can SUB ESC Ansi Evfu Series Evfu Line SlewingData Bits Lines Hex Dec Code Ascii Code ESC Hex Code 1B 5D Dec Code 27 93 Loading the TableLoading the Table Two Byte Channel Control Code FormatRemarks Ansi EvfuChannel Control Codes Decimal Value Binary Value CharacterDescription DefaultDefault Evfu Table Skip to Channel Command Ansi Evfu Default Evfu Table Channel DescriptionSkip To Channel Example Program Instruction Remarks Output Downloading The Evfu Using The PI LineDownloading The Evfu Using The PI Line Ansi Evfu Two Byte Channel Control Code Format Skip to Channel Command Ansi Evfu Standard Ascii Character Set Appendix a Equivalent Columns Conversion Table Inches 13.3 16.7Appendix B Decipoints for Column vs. CPI ValuesMargin CPI Column 111 Margin CPI Column Appendix B Margin Column CPI Appendix B Acia AsciiCharacter weight, as shown in this sentence For example Bold refers to a heavy or thickCTA CPUCT+ Davfu CTSCvfu DCDDvfu DSRDTR EbcdicFifo IGP HGSIeee LED LACLCD MPLNvfu NackNLQ NvramPcba PALPCB PGLRAM PORPSA ROMSCS RTSSAA SNA SfccSLD SOHUPC TOFTTL UsetOFF 100 Diagnostics Passed AnsiError Occurred / Flushing QUEUES*, 20 ESC Sequence Security Code Violation Please WAIT... 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