Topcom WBR 7201 N Disposal of the device environment, Warranty period, Warranty handling

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5.1Warranty period

The Topcom units have a 24-month warranty period. The warranty period starts on the day the new unit is purchased. The warranty on batteries is limited to 6 months after purchase. Consumables or defects causing a negligible effect on operation or value of the equipment are not covered.

The warranty has to be proven by presentation of the original purchase receipt, on which the date of purchase and the unit-model are indicated.

5.2Warranty handling

A faulty unit needs to be returned to a Topcom service centre including a valid purchase note.

If the unit develops a fault during the warranty period, Topcom or its officially appointed service centre will repair any defects caused by material or manufacturing faults free of charge.

Topcom will at its discretion fulfil its warranty obligations by either repairing or exchanging the faulty units or parts of the faulty units. In case of replacement, colour and model can be different from the original purchased unit.

The initial purchase date shall determine the start of the warranty period. The warranty period is not extended if the unit is exchanged or repaired by Topcom or its appointed service centres.

5.3Warranty exclusions

Damage or defects caused by incorrect treatment or operation and damage resulting from use of non-original parts or accessories not recommended by Topcom are not covered by the warranty.

Topcom cordless phones are designed to work with rechargeable batteries only. The damage caused by the use of non-rechargeable batteries is not covered under warranty. The warranty does not cover damage caused by outside factors, such as lightning, water and fire, nor any damage caused during transportation.

No warranty can be claimed if the serial number on the units has been changed, removed or rendered illegible.

Any warranty claims will be invalid if the unit has been repaired, altered or modified by the buyer or by unqualified, non-officially appointed Topcom service centres.

6Disposal of the device (environment)

At the end of the product lifecycle, you should not throw this product into the normal household garbage but bring the product to a collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipments. The symbol on the product,

user guide and/or box indicate this.

Some of the product materials can be re-used if you bring them to a recycling point. By re-using some parts or raw materials from used products you make an important contribution to the protection of the environment. Please contact your local authorities in case you need more information on the collection points in your area.



Image 19 Contents
SKYR@CER WBR 7201n Modifications Nederlands EnglishFrançais Espa DeutschPortugu Záruka 109 PolskiSlovensky Sprawdus pointernetemPage Connect your router Reset/WPS ButtonEnglish Setup the Broadband Router Now choose your Broadband Connection Type Cable modem Used for cable modem connections Connection type Obtain an IP address automatically Pptp SettingsUse the following IP address IP Address info for L2TP xDSL Telstra Big Pond not for Europe L2TP Settings Now click Internet Connection Check the Internet Connection StatusWPS Setup the Wireless NetworkSetup the Essid Click General Setup and go to Wireless Basic SettingsSet the wireless Encryption Encryption Choose WEP Warranty exclusions WarrantyWarranty period Warranty handlingCleaning Uw router aansluiten Reset/WPS-toetsNederlands De breedbandrouter instellen Instellingen tijdzone Service Provider Gateway Address Voer het Gateway IP-adres Connection type type verbinding Password wachtwoord Voer uw wachtwoordUse the following IP address Gebruik het volgende IP-adres IP-adresinfo voor L2TP xDSL Use the following IP address Gebruik het volgende IP-adres Klik nu op Internet Connection internetverbinding Controleer de status van de internetverbindingHet draadloos netwerk instellen De draadloze encryptie instellen Essid instellenEncryption encryptie Selecteer WEP Garantiebeperkingen GarantieGarantietermijn Afwikkeling van garantieclaimsReinigen Afvoeren van het toestel milieuFrançais Connexion de votre routeurBouton de réinitialisation/WPS Configuration du routeur large bande Cliquez sur Next Suivant pour continuer Choisissez votre Type de connexion large bande Connection type Type de connexion Utiliser ladresse IP suivante Obtenir une adresse IP automatiquementParamètres Pptp Obtenir une adresse IP automatiquement Contrôle de létat de la connexion Internet Cliquez sur Internet Connection Configurer le Essid Configuration du réseau sans filDéfinir le cryptage de la liaison sans fil Période de garantie Exclusions de garantie Mise au rebut de lappareil environnementNettoyage Mise en œuvre de la garantieAnschluss Ihres Routers Reset-/WPS-TasteDeutsch Konfiguration des Breitband-Routers Wählen Sie Ihren Breitbandanschlusstyp Kabelmodem Wird bei Anschluss eines Kabelmodems verwendet IP-Adresse für PPPoE xDSL WAN-VerbindungDHCP-Client oder feste IP-Adresse Pptp Gateway PPTP-Gateway Geben Sie den Gateway ein Pptp Settings PPTP-EinstellungenL2TP Gateway L2TP-Gateway Geben Sie den Gateway ein Prüfen des Internetverbindungsstatus Konfiguration des drahtlosen Netzwerks Konfigurieren der Essid Encryption Verschlüsselung Wählen Sie WEP Einstellen der drahtlosen VerschlüsselungAbwicklung des Garantiefalls GarantiezeitReinigung Entsorgung des Geräts UmweltschutzGarantieausschlüsse Español Conexión del routerBotón de reinicio / WPS Configuración del router de banda ancha Seleccione su tipo de conexión de banda ancha WAN fija Connection type Tipo de conexión Conexión WAN cliente Dhcp o dirección IP fija Pptp Gateway Pasarela Pptp introduzca la pasarela Pptp Settings Configuración PptpL2TP Gateway Pasarela L2TP introduzca la pasarela L2TP Settings Configuración L2TPComprobación del estado de la conexión a Internet Configuración de la red inalámbrica Configuración del cifrado inalámbrico Configuración del EssidEncryption Cifrado seleccione «WEP» Limitaciones de la garantía GarantíaPeríodo de garantía Tratamiento de la garantíaLimpieza Eliminación del dispositivo medio ambientePortuguês Ligue o routerBotão Reiniciar/WPS Configure o Router de Banda Larga Configurações de Fuso Horário Cable modem Usado para ligações de modem de cabo PPPoE xDSL Usado para ponte DSL com ligação PPPoE Use the following IP address Use o seguinte endereço IP Pptp Settings Definições PptpInformação de endereço IP para L2TP xDSL L2TP Settings Definições de L2TP Verifique o estado da ligação à Internet Configure o Router Wireless Configure a Encriptação da rede wireless Configure o EssidPágina de Definições de Segurança Exclusões de garantia GarantiaPeríodo de garantia Accionamento da garantiaLimpeza Eliminação do dispositivo ambientePodutera Przycisk Reset/WPSPolski Konfiguracja szerokopasmowego routera Admin oraz has adminQuick Setup Cable modem Dla poczepoprzez modem kablowy PPPoE xDSL Dla mostka DSL z poPoE Pptp Settings User ID Wprowadu Informacja o adresie IP dla L2TP xDSL Telstra Big Pond nie dla Europy L2TP Settings User ID WprowaduKliknij Internet Connection SprawdKonfiguracja sieci bezprzewodowej Kliknij General Setup, wybierz opcj Wireless Basic SettingsKonfiguracja Essid Dostszyfrowania to WEP 64 bitowe, WEP 128 bitowe oraz WPA2 Wczanie szyfrowania komunikacji bezprzewodowejOkres gwarancji GwarancjaEncryption Wybierz WEP Wyjki od gwarancji Usuwanie urzCzyszczenie ObsPripojte svoj router Tlaítko Reset/WPSSlovensky Slovensky Nastavenie pre širokopásmový Broadband RouterLetný Time ZoneNastavte sové pásmo Adresa ového serveraAdresa Brány providera servisu Napíšte IP addresu Brány Idle Time Typ spojeniaPptp nastavenia Získajte IP adresu automatickyClone Mac Použite nasledujúcu IP adresuWAN pripojenie adresa Dhcp klienta alebo Fixná IP adresa Telstra Big Pond nie pre Európu Používajte nasledujúcu IP adresuL2TP nastavenia Spojenie na požiadanie PPP spojenie vzniká, keSkontrolujte Štatút internetového pripojenia Nastavenie Essid Nastavenie Bezdrôtovej sieteNastavte bezdrôtové Kódovanie Záru ZárukaKódovanie ZvoWEP Odopretie záruky Likvidácia zariadenia životné prostredieIstenie Manipulácia so zárukouPage Page Return with Your Defect Product MD13800195