The following status levels are possible:
“GOOD”System Status: GOOD This is normal operation.
Indicates that the RamSan has detected a system warning. Warning statements scroll across the front panel display.
Possible warnings include:
•Pwr supply # removed
•AC lost at one or both power supplies
•One or both batteries are low
•Temperature warning
•One disk removed
Indicates that the RamSan has detected a system failure. Error statements scroll across the front panel display.
Possible failures include:
•Fan failure
•Power supply failed
•System overheated
•More than one disk removed or failed.
System Status: WARNING
Warnings: Fans slow
System Status: ERROR
Errors: Disk # Failed
In the case of either system warnings or failures, the front panel display alternates between displaying status information and warning or failure messages every 10 seconds.
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