The menu system is arranged like so:
Open | opens a file which contains parameters for the device |
Save | saves the current settings in the current file name |
Save As | saves the current settings under a new file name |
Exit | closes the application |
Update | update device firmware (requires loader utility) |
˚ |
Network |
Go Online˚ | allows communication with devices on the network |
Go Offline | stops communication with devices on the network |
Port | allows you to select which serial COM port you |
| wish to use |
˚ |
Help |
Help topics - opens the help file (in your HTML viewer)
About this Application - shows copyright and version information
Some of these menu items have
The toolbar provides the following one-click functions:
Open | Opens a file which contains parameters for the device. |
| A dialogue will appear, inviting you to choose a file to open. |
Save | Saves the current settings. If you have previously opened |
| or saved a file, the configuration will be saved in the same |
| file name, otherwise, a dialogue will appear inviting you to |
| enter a file name. |
| If the settings have not changed since you last saved or |
| opened a file, the Icon will appear greyed out, indicating |
| that a save is not necessary. |
Online | Goes online/offline to/from the network. If a device cannot |
| be found, an error will be reported. While PodWare remains |
| |
| |
Wink | Flashes the indicators on the device (if online), to assist |
| device identification, and as a quick check that |
| communications are working. This only works when |
If you place the mouse cursor over a toolbar, text fill appear describing the action of the button. If this text does not show, click on the panel background.